Miles for Smiles helps with corrective surgery


Approximately one in every 1000 babies in African is born with a cleft lip or palate. In Ghana specifically, it is estimated that one in every 760 children are born with a cleft condition.

One in 10 children born with a cleft will die before their first birthday. Those that survive are often malnourished exposing them to frequent infections. They also struggle with speech difficulties, and are frequently ostracised because of their appearance.

For these children, a relatively quick operation results in a life-changing smile. The Cipla Foundation initiative, Miles for Smiles, through Operation Smile, strives to ensure that every child with a cleft lip or palate has access to this level of surgical care.

In March this year, adventurers David Grier and Andrew Stuart ran roughly 160 kms in four days along the coastline in Accra, Ghana to help raise awareness and funds for Operation Smile for corrective surgeries. Cipla is exploring more ways to raise funds for much-needed corrective surgeries. One cleft surgery costs around $700.

CEO of Cipla Africa, Paul Miller, said: “Our philosophy is to do well while doing good. We are exploring opportunities to make a positive impact for people in local communities, and ways to help with funding for life-changing surgeries.

“A smile is a promise of peace, and the first sign of love. A smile is the most inexpensive gift and yet the most valuable. It’s an unspoken language – learnt by none and understood by all. That’s why Cipla wants to help ensure that no child is (c)left behind,” said Miller.

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