Recognition, gratitude and rewards


managers’ tools for encouragement

By Alexander OKANTEY

It is a good thing to recognize the efforts of a worker. It is better to express your gratitude for a very good work done. It may be best to offer a reward for an outstanding work performed. These things are likely to motivate the worker to do more for the organisation. Most of these things are already known by managers but they need to be reminded to apply these tools consistently to generate better results in the places of work.

Managers and team leaders must endeavour to do things to inspire workers to achieve their targets and if possible exceed them. It will take much determination and perseverance to practice this.

Applying the tools

A manager can show appreciation for a good work done by his team by expressing his gratitude, using kind words, praising them and encouraging them to do more. A manager can issue notes of commendation to deserving employees in his team.

The following words and expressions may be used to show recognition or appreciation : “thank you very much”, “excellent”, “wonderful”, “outstanding”, “exceptional”, “awesome”, “brilliant”, “great”, “well done”, “powerful”, “very compelling”, “very persuasive”, “exemplary”, “splendid”, “indefatigable”, “notable”, “great accomplishment”, “remarkable”, “very exciting”, “greatly appreciated”, “fantastic”, “marvelous”, “you’ve made my day”, “very useful”, “admirable”, “you made me proud”, “we are proud of you”, “God bless you” and others. A manager may organize a small party for his team for an outstanding performance. Celebrating their success is a tool for encouragement.

Managers must learn and remember the words of Julia Carney and apply them: “Little deeds of kindness, little words of cheer, and acts of love…make our earth a little heaven here.”

Offering an appropriate gift to an excellent worker is good where the organisation does not disallow it.

Recommendation for promotion or promotion is a good reward for hardwork and high achievement. Promotion will go with increment in salary and/or allowances which are likely to inspire an employee to do more.

A leader can use job enrichment to indicate his recognition, gratitude and reward for exceptional performance. Job enrichment will consist of offering new roles or more exciting job schedules, increasing responsibilities and delegating roles with a commensurate authority if need be. These steps will be motivating.

A manager must show recognition for great job performed by his team members. He must give opportunities for them towards further training, career advancement and coaching. A recommendation for overseas training courses will be rewarding or encouraging.

Showing respect to his direct reports can be a way of expressing your gratitude. The leader can encourage psychological safety at his workplace and listen to the high performers’ business ideas, professional insights and their operational imperatives. In fact, inviting them to share their organisation skills, job experiences and achievements to other teams may be a source encouragement and fulfilment.

Displaying the photographs of the high achieving personality or team with words expressing their feats, their special work principles and positive working culture and praising them are some ways of recognition, gratitude and rewards.

A leader or manager who recognizes the exceptional abilities of a team member can privately seek his advice, thoughts, ideas or inputs on operational or strategic matters.

Showing respect for his expertise in his area of competence and indicating that you value them are some ways to show recognition to his efforts and capabilities. Simply put, the leader will reinforce the team member’s values and competencies.

Inviting a team member to breakfast, lunch or supper with senior executives and expressing your trust in his delivery, performance or output is a way to go to show appreciation.

Asking a team what they need or require to be more successful or exceed their targets are ways to show recognition.

Showing interest in the work-life-balance of team members may be a source of recognition and motivation. Placing a premium on their well-being and displaying empathy may be signs of respect for them. These may be rewarding and refreshing for team members.

A direct call and encouragement by a leader for workers to be more creative, innovative and strategic; expressing his confidence and relying on their initiatives, dexterity and expertise in their fields of operations at the workspace, may be avenues of showing gratitude and recognition.

A manager can reward his outstanding worker with any relevant book whether work related or not. He can personally impart special skills (technical and soft skills) to prepare workers for  advanced or elevated roles in the organisation.

The leader can also strengthen interpersonal relationship, bonding and collaboration to exhibit his appreciation and recognition. The leader can demonstrate his appreciation and gratitude by improving open and honest communication with his direct reports. The latter will feel delighted and encouraged to do more for the organisation. This course of action will improve trust in their working relationships and thereby creating a congenial work environment.

If you are a leader and you encourage your team members to assist, train and motivate others, these actions may be considered as ways of acknowledging their efforts or appreciating their contributions.

A manager who acknowledges challenging situations or the difficulties under which his direct reports are working is showing concern for them and this recognition may encourage them.

Leaders must acknowledge and appreciate the value of feedbacks from team members and give directives to make continuous improvement in performance possible.

The leaders who show recognition and gratitude will avoid giving punishments and sanctions for minor mistakes or errors. They must exercise forgiveness and show understanding for such faults and failings. They must avoid insults, rudeness and indifference towards high achievers.

Involving outstanding performers and dedicated employees in planning, organising, leading and controlling functions may indicate recognition from the manager, and appreciation of their contributions.

Furthermore, if a manager wants to express his gratitude and show recognition for the efforts or achievements of an employee, he will be very sensitive to the latter’s needs and interests whether at the workplace or outside the workplace.

The manager may follow and support the employee’s career progress and offer professional guidance and career advice. The manager may assist in the employee’s children’s education (not necessarily financially) and attend social functions pertaining to the employee’s family. The manager may also demonstrate his gratitude by giving assurance and reassurance of his support as and when necessary.

Relevant quotes

“Recognition is the greatest motivator. It is a powerful tool that can be used to encourage and inspire people to achieve their best. When we recognize someone’s achievements, we are acknowledging their hard work and effort, and showing them that we value and appreciate their contributions.” – Gerard C. Eakedale

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity… It turns problems into gifts, failures into successes, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events, Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie

“The best rewards are not always tangible, but they are always meaningful.” – Unknown


Leaders, managers and supervisors must know that application of various tools of encouragement is an unwritten target they must regularly meet. While driving on the main Airport- Legon road recently, and getting closer to Opeibea House, I saw a female hawker, whose T-shirt had the inscription “Gratitude is the new attitude”.

I do not know whether the hawker had reflected thoroughly on the great message she was carrying. I think managers must seriously consider this “new attitude”, develop it, apply it and propagate it. I believe, it will work well for managers and other individuals as well.

Application of these tools of encouragement for higher achievements and their consequences may give you some direction(s) for management succession planning.

Indeed, recognition, gratitude and rewards will also serve as tools for promoting improved service and product qualities and higher production outputs which will result in better corporate brand and reputation.

Remember, it is relevant to give good compliments to those who deserve them. Don’t show indifference with respect to the accomplishments of your team members. Consider the following:

“Indifference is the enemy of humanity.” – George Bernard Shaw

“The most corrupting influence of all is indifference.” – Unknown

“Indifference is the strongest chains that bind us to mediocrity.” – Unknown

If you don’t show gratitude, offer recognition and give rewards, some of your outstanding employees and high achieving workers will leave your organisation. Your competitor will benefit tremendously from the cost of your training, development and coaching. Don’t allow other organisations to eat the fruit of your labour.

Alexander is a Chartered Banker, [[email protected]]