What are the characteristics of a Kingdom Business? (Part 3)



…Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble ~Matthew 6: 31-33 NKJV

  1. A Kingdom Business must generate biblical profit: double bottom line

As previously mentioned, profitability holds significant importance in every business endeavor, and kingdom entrepreneurs should be adept at distinguishing between revenue and profit. This distinction is crucial because losing sight of the profits your business generates could lead to its eventual downfall. Kingdom businesses are called to be profitable, and this is reinforced by Jesus’ teachings in the parable of the talents found in Matthew 25:14-30, where He expresses displeasure with unprofitable servants.

In this parable, Jesus emphasizes the responsibility of stewarding resources and generating increase. The servant who failed to do so was deemed unprofitable and faced dire consequences. This story highlights the importance of achieving sustained profits as a means to build wealth, a concept supported by Deuteronomy 8:18, which views prosperity as a confirmation of God’s covenant.

However, the pursuit of profit should not come at the expense of righteousness. Proverbs 16:8 cautions against gaining wealth through unjust means, emphasizing the value of righteous living even in times of limited resources. A balanced approach to profit, one that upholds biblical principles and integrity, is what a kingdom business should strive for. This notion of a “double bottom line” encompasses both financial gain and ethical conduct.

Maintaining a balanced focus on profit aligns with the biblical call to stewardship and responsible entrepreneurship. It ensures that your business thrives within the boundaries of righteousness and godliness. Therefore, it is imperative to consistently assess your business’s financial health and profitability, as a lack of sustained profit can lead to the eventual failure of your enterprise. Remember, a kingdom business that generates just and honorable profit stands as a testament to God’s blessings and your commitment to His principles.

  1. A Kingdom Business provides a means for marketplace evangelism and discipleship

A kingdom business should not solely focus on generating profit; it must also serve as a vehicle for advancing the Great Commission and spreading the message of world evangelization. God’s calling for us extends beyond mere financial gains. Our activities in the marketplace should contribute to the expansion of His kingdom.

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus empowers His disciples and commands them to share the Gospel with all nations, baptizing and teaching them to observe His teachings. This mandate encompasses both evangelism and discipleship, and it is applicable to believers in all walks of life, including the marketplace.

Marketplace evangelism does not necessitate embarking on distant missions. Instead, it encourages us to reach out to those within our sphere of influence right where we conduct business. The marketplace offers an extensive platform to share the message of Christ with a diverse audience. Every interaction with customers, employees, vendors, competitors, and the local community provides an opportunity for us to live out our faith and make a positive impact.

As stewards of kingdom businesses, we possess a unique platform for both evangelism and discipleship. By integrating biblical principles into our business practices and relationships, we can effectively spread the Gospel and contribute to the spiritual growth of those we interact with. Our businesses become more than just profit generators; they become instruments of transformation and vessels through which God’s love and truth are shared.

In fulfilling the Great Commission within the marketplace, we align our business endeavors with God’s purpose and contribute to the greater mission of His kingdom. Let us recognize the power of our influence and make intentional efforts to use our businesses as avenues for marketplace evangelism and discipleship.

  1. A Kingdom Business creates a ‘sandbox’ for discipleship

The Great Commission issued by God is unequivocal – Go and make disciples! This directive applies to every believer, irrespective of whether you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or a full-time missionary. The mandate to evangelize the world is a collective responsibility, not limited to ordained clergy.

The Acton School of Business highlights the concept of a business “sandbox,” which represents the defined sphere or territory a business aims to excel in. This includes considerations such as geographic focus, specialized products or services, and exceptional customer engagement. However, for kingdom business owners, delineating a spiritual sandbox in which their company can exert influence and impact can be more challenging.

Measuring spiritual growth, given that it is a divine process, often lacks the same tangible metrics as business endeavors. Consequently, many godly leaders may not establish a precise strategy for the specific spiritual impact they are uniquely positioned to make. The Apostle Paul, for instance, was called to preach to the Gentiles, showcasing a clear spiritual sandbox.

As you contemplate the Great Commission, discern the sphere in which God has appointed you to make disciples. This discipleship journey encompasses two key aspects: guiding individuals into a relationship with Jesus and instructing them in obedience to God’s commands. Determine where your strengths lie within these dimensions. How will your company contribute to your chosen spiritual sandbox and facilitate impact?

Just as you strategically plan, allocate resources, and measure outcomes in your business, your spiritual sandbox should receive equal consideration. Your commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission should manifest in a well-defined, purposeful, and measured approach. By intertwining your business pursuits with your discipleship mission, you transform your enterprise into a powerful instrument for spiritual growth and global evangelism.

  1. A Kingdom Business positions the business as an instrument for giving

A kingdom-oriented company holds a pivotal role in funding the gospel and effecting societal transformation. It is an acknowledged fact that entrepreneurs wield a greater share of financial resources compared to typical employees. While many churchgoers may grapple with the practice of giving, kingdom entrepreneurs possess ample resources to serve as instruments of generosity, particularly in supporting the local church. Through strategic positioning, a kingdom entrepreneur can channel business proceeds towards advancing the gospel and charitable causes.

The apostle Paul’s counsel to the affluent resonates in this context: “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.” (1 Timothy 6:17-19, NIV)

Accordingly, kingdom businesses are called to embody a commitment to giving towards the advancement of God’s work and aiding those in need, especially among the brethren. This responsibility is expressed through faithful tithing from business profits and magnanimous contributions as directed by the Lord. By aligning their ventures with the principle of giving, kingdom entrepreneurs play an instrumental role in fulfilling the Great Commission and demonstrating Christ-like benevolence, thereby shaping a world characterized by compassion and divine purpose.

Nelson Semanu Boandoh-Korkor is a distinguished figure, acclaimed as an Author, Publishing Consultant, Christian Business Coach, and a fervent Financial Evangelist. Nelson is a forex trader, cryptocurrency investor and metaverse enthusiast.
Elizabeth Boandoh-Korkor (CA) is an accomplished Chartered Accountant with extensive experience as a Financial Management Consultant, spanning close to two decades in both the not-for-profit and banking sectors. You can reach out to them on +233549762233 or 
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