INDSET with Gambrah Sampeney Kwabena Adjei: Infusion


As I sat with Boss B at a restaurant to celebrate his 42nd Birthday, we were surrounded by the infectious sounds of Olivetheboy’s hit song ‘Asylum’.

The Afrobeats from Nigeria had everyone singing along and Boss B turned to me and said:“This infusion of Nigerian music has really taken over our youth and now they are all sounding like Nigerians!”

This moment sparked a profound realisation that infusion or the introduction of new elements or qualities, can be a powerful catalyst for growth and transformation.

In Ghana, the debate about the influence of Nigerian music on our airwaves has been ongoing.

Some argue that Nigerian songs are overshadowing our local talent and call for policies to limit their playtime.

However, history shows us that such infusions can lead to new ideas and innovations.

The popularity of US rap music in the late 80’s and 90’s, for example, influenced the development of our own hip-life culture.Infusion can be a game-changer, bringing new perspectives, ideas and energy to the table.

The rise of mobile telephony has bridged the gap between informal and formal sectors of our economy, thanks to financial technological innovations like Mobile Money.

This has opened up new opportunities for economic growth and development.

So, how do we approach infusion?

Do we see it as a threat or as an opportunity for growth?

The answer lies in how we filter it.

Instead of fighting change, we should embrace it and use it to our advantage.

By doing so, we can unlock our creativity and reach new heights.

In various aspects of life, infusion has led to remarkable transformations.

In music, the fusion of different genres has created unique sounds and styles.

In technology, the integration of new ideas has led to innovative solutions and products.

In business, the adoption of new strategies has enabled companies to stay ahead of the competition.

To harness the power of infusion, we must be open-minded and willing to adapt.

We must recognise that change is inevitable and that it can bring new opportunities for growth and development.

By embracing infusion, we can unlock our full potential and achieve greatness.

In conclusion, infusion is not something to be feared but rather something to be celebrated.

It has the power to transform and elevate us, and it is up to us to harness its potential.

So, let us embrace the next phase of our journey and see where the infusion of new ideas and perspectives takes us.