Adjo&Kojo’s No Reason for Rhyme: Nothing Here


Apparently, this silent going about is casting spells about

Lures about; cures withheld

Apparently, this innocence is casting bewilderments about

No thoughts taken; no thought given

Just entrapments about


Apparently, this blankness is warm embrace

This oblivion, thrill to oblivion!

Oh, I envy your thrill

Mine to you

Mine into you

This drilling, this thrill, for my oblivion?

Ah, I envy your thrill!


It’s concealment unintended

It’s mere life from here—a going about

Breathing about, living about, contemplating about

Like yours—yet, yours present; mine, absent


It’s concealment unintended


A shared human experience?

Sorry, never heard of it

I see nothing; so, nothing of which to speak

I see everything; so, nothing of which to speak

Nothing of which to share—to partake

Muted because the mind, it won’t keep shut

Yours is not mine

World, here’s a void!

Rich in its nothingness; rich in its everythingness

Rich in its concealment

Oh, apparently, this void about is casting enchantments about


Tempted into an apology

Yet, I know this to be true:

To know you is to know you

“Come here to us. Come here to us.”

They lie; they love this mystique!

Even more, true, they yearn sameness

So come here into this oneness—this staleness

To know you is to dissect you—to break you

All one is none at all

By God…

apparently, this one-ness about is throwing slights about



Yours’ not mine

These actions, mine

These thoughts, yours





Couldn’t bear his thoughts.

Couldn’t bare his thoughts!