Poetry Corner: Euthanasia 


Each waking moment became a waiting moment

We would wait

We would watch her slip from an abundant life to an abating life

From life to a near-death mode

And from a near-death mood back to a near-life state…and back


We would wait…patiently,  to welcome her back

Anticipating life from a near-life state to a full life

But she would slip through our careful watch

And slip back to a near-death regime, a blackout


Each time we had rekindled her heart for resuscitation

She had suffered a relapse

She had sunk into a worse state than that last time

She had relapsed into a state of torpor

She had slumped into a stagnating stupor

Our hope for her recovery tragically dashed


Each remedy there were, we made available

Any remedy, any therapy

They were made ready

As long as there was a hint of life

But no remedy woven for her brought her back to full life


What diagnosis was not done

What prognosis was not proven

What remedy

What therapy…was not given

She continued to refuse to respond to treatment

She continued to lie comatose

Now we know not what we ought to do

Now we know not what dose to infuse


Our hands are dropping off

Our hearts are without love

Our tears are not enough

Our fears have overtaken our dreams

Our feet have developed cold coals


So who would take her off our life-support system

Who would hasten her into her eternal rest

Who would break her bones

Tear her up in the sinews

For Mother Earth to suffer a sudden heartbreak

For the sudden death of Mother Earth


Who would push the last  nail into her coffin

Who would end the suffering

Her suffering, our suffering

The suffering siblings

The suffering masses

The suffering generations

Who would rush her into the abyss

Into her eternal sleep
