Sincere tourism: When locals interface with tourists


By J. N. Halm

The tourism potential of this country is immense. With a rich history, characterised by numerous castles and forts lining its coasts, the country, formerly known as the Gold Coast, has so much to offer. With some of the richest cultures in the world—something that is of interest to many visitors. Our festivals are globally acclaimed, Ghana has what it takes to make tourism a big foregin exchange earner. Additionally, with more than 300 miles of pristine Atlantic coastline, Ghana can be considered naturally endowed when it comes to tourism.

The country currently does not have a national airline. That would have helped in bringing in more tourists into the country and also promoting brand Ghana abroad. However, another thing Ghana has going for it is an increase in the number of flight connections, both internationally and domestically. This can be attributed to the country‘s location, stability, and rising role as a regional business hub. As an example, the siting of the headquarters of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in Accra has helped place Ghana right in the middle of intra-African trade.

Exciting programs aimed at increasing the number of tourists into the country such as the Year of Return, Beyond The Return, etc. have all helped improve the tourism figures of the country. On top of all that, Ghanaians are known to be among the friendliest people on this planet. Coupled with a vibrant social scene and equally vibrant nightlife, Ghana is well-positioned to become a tourism hotspot.

Many look at the way the Emirates is moving away from oil as its main export to tourism as a good example to look to. One cannot easily discount that argument. Tourism can indeed become the key economic driver in Ghana. Packaged and marketed well, tourism can generate foreign exchange earnings, create jobs and wealth as well as stimulate other sectors of the economy.

However, it is important if we are to become a top tourism destination, that we get our house in order. Incidentally, the Government of Ghana has a 15-year National Tourism Development Plan (2013-2027). The Plan seeks to assess how tourism can “contribute to national and local economic development and enhance its role as a leading sector for employment creation, revenue generation, environmental conservation, national cohesion and overall economic growth.”

The 362-page document contains some very big plans, including developing a national policy on tourism human resource development. The document also touches on the need to create partnerships with the local communities, specifically mentioning local farmers and fishermen. These are very important courses of action because of the importance of the human interfaces that tourists will deal with when they arrive on our shores.

One of the areas that we should be interested in is the quality of those who engage with tourists when they visit our shores. The job of local hosts to the tourism fortunes of the nation cannot be overestimated. Contact with locals is indeed a very crucial part of the experiences of tourists.

Another reason why dealing with locals is very important for tourism is that it falls in line with the current appreciation of tourism. Over the years, the impact of tourism on the environment has been widely studied. Sustainability in tourism has become much more important. Terms such as “Alternative” tourism have arisen out of this new paradigm.

This new approach to tourism calls for tourists to have “brief contacts with local people and longer visits with host families and the community, and an insight into local life.” In other words, locals are going to play an increasingly important role in the tourism of our times.

As can be seen, one poor experience with a resident can put off a tourist for good. This is why the report of a study published in the December 2021 edition of Service Industries Journal should be of interest to anyone interested in enhancing the tourism potential of a place. The title of that study was “The Effects of Host Sincerity on Tourists’ Perceived Destination Image”. Although the study was based on data collected in China, the implications of that study are global in nature.

According to the study, one way local hosts can help create a positive image of the destination is to show their sincerity toward the tourists. According to the study, when local hosts are sincere in their dealings with tourists, it triggers positive behavioural intentions. In other words, when dealing with tourists, locals should just be themselves. Locals should not put up special performances to impress customers. That might have the opposite effect on the experience of tourists. Studies have confirmed that if the display from the local is fake, a negative impression of the destination can be elicited.

The authenticity of the lives of locals is something that today’s tourists value. It is something that cannot be bought with money. It is a very different kind of experience from what tourists would typically have. An authentic experience can therefore become a very powerful unique selling proposition for a destination.

For example, in Ghana, the typical experience of a tourist would involve visiting a site such as a castle or a fort. The tourist would encounter a guide. This guide would typically be a trained professional who will provide as much information about that particular location as possible. Whatever the guide would say is something that the tourist could find on the Internet. When one considers the fact that most of these locations and sites would have photos on the Net, the experience of tourists must be much more. This is why an engagement with a local who lives in or with that particular location provides much more excitement for a tourist.

The importance of sincerity from residents to tourists means that these locals must be educated on acting sincerely when they interact with tourists. If the challenge of the different languages between the locals and the tourists is surmounted to ensure that both have a good understanding of each other, then the experience would be even much more interesting.

It is known that one of the most powerful means of marketing a destination is to get people talking about the place. In the era of social media, this is even more important. What tourists say about a destination can make or mar the fortunes of the place. This is why every local resident-tourist experience must leave the tourist feeling good about the experience. A good review by one tourist can do wonders for the fortunes of the destination.

One of the most important factors in promoting tourism is the image tourists have of particular destinations. Destination image has been defined as “the total perception of the place that is formed by processing information from various sources over time.” The image comes in two forms—the pre-encounter image and the post-encounter image. Although one can see the role of locals in the formation of both kinds of images, it is clear that the role of locals is more important for post-encounter image formation.

From the ongoing discussion, it is clear that local hosts have a very important role in making tourist destinations attractive to potential visitors. The actions and inactions of locals have a direct effect on the image of a particular destination.

In other words, the quality of tourists’ contact with residents and service providers will affect the formation of the image of the destination in the minds of tourists. The image of a destination can be enhanced by the authenticity of the locals in their interactions with tourists. It has been found that when locals exhibit friendliness towards tourists, these tourists tend to form a positive image of that particular destination.

Additionally, locals should be designated as destination ambassadors. With their unique knowledge of that destination, locals can serve as a credible testimony of the distinctive character of the place. The unique understanding of residents can also be tapped in the management and sustainability efforts of the place. Someone who has stayed at a place for years, whose ancestors have been living within that locality for centuries, would in all likelihood have a better understanding of how to maintain and sustain the place.

The attitudes and actions of residents will either support or hinder the tourism efforts of any destination. Given the importance of the interactions between visitors and residents, one cannot help but give special attention to locals when considering destination tourism. It is therefore important that in putting together plans for destinations, the residents in that destination are not left out. This is because they are active partners in the kind of experiences tourists will have. Locals are rightly to be considered as co-producers of the tourist experiences.

It has been said that the fastest way to kill a bad product is to give it good advertising. Therefore, before we go making “noise” about our interesting tourist sites and great experiences, our tourism must be top-notch. The one area where Ghana, as a country, has to put some emphasis on is the quality of the locals who will be engaging with its tourists. If these hosts turn out to be sincere in their interactions with tourists, Ghana might just be the next big tourist attraction we all know it can be.

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