The paradox of leadership: Why employees prefer strict and feisty bosses


By Terry MANTE

In the dynamic and often unpredictable world of corporate culture, the role of a boss is pivotal. The conventional wisdom suggests that a friendly, principled leader should be more successful in fostering a productive and positive work environment. However, a growing body of evidence and real-world observations from various sectors I have worked in suggest a counterintuitive trend; employees often prefer bosses who are strict and feisty over those who are friendly yet principled.

Understanding the preference

Clarity and Structure: Strict bosses are typically very clear about their expectations and the standards they set. This clarity provides employees with a structured framework within which they can operate. When the rules are clear and consistently enforced, employees know what is expected of them and can focus on meeting those expectations without ambiguity.

Accountability and Performance: Feisty bosses tend to hold their employees accountable for their actions and performance. This accountability can drive higher performance as employees strive to meet or exceed the high standards set for them. The sense of responsibility instilled by a strict leader often translates into a more disciplined and productive workforce.

Respect and Authority: While friendliness can sometimes be mistaken for weakness, a strict demeanor commands respect (or fear) and establishes authority. Employees often feel more secure knowing that their boss has the strength and determination to make tough decisions and enforce discipline when necessary. This respect for authority can enhance overall team cohesion and morale.

Clear Consequences: In an environment led by a feisty boss, the consequences of actions are often well-defined. Employees understand that underperformance or misconduct will not be tolerated. This awareness can deter negative behavior and encourage employees to adhere to high standards.

Objective Fairness: Strict bosses, while tough, are often perceived as fair because they apply rules and consequences consistently. This objectivity can be reassuring to employees, who may feel that their efforts will be judged impartially and that favoritism will not undermine their hard work.

Balancing Strictness with Principles and Values

While the preference for strict and feisty bosses is evident, it is crucial to recognize that effective leadership does not solely rely on a tough exterior. Integrating principles and values into a strict leadership style can create a balanced approach that fosters both respect and loyalty.

Consistent Communication: Leaders who are both strict and principled should prioritize consistent and transparent communication. Clearly articulating the reasons behind decisions, the importance of certain rules, and the values guiding those rules can help employees understand and align with the leader’s vision.

Empathy and Understanding: Even the strictest leaders can benefit from showing empathy and understanding. Acknowledging employees’ challenges and supporting them through difficulties can build a deeper sense of trust and loyalty, even in a highly disciplined environment.

Recognition and Reward: Balancing strictness with recognition of achievements is essential. Employees who meet or exceed expectations should be acknowledged and rewarded. This not only motivates high performance but also demonstrates that the leader values and appreciates their efforts.

Leading by Example: A strict boss who leads by example reinforces the credibility of their expectations. When employees see their leader adhering to the same high standards, it fosters a culture of integrity and respect.


The preference for strict and feisty bosses in the corporate world underscores the complex dynamics of leadership. While a friendly, principled approach has its merits, the clarity, structure, accountability, and respect that come with a strict leadership style often resonate more strongly with employees. By blending strictness with clear principles and values, leaders can create an environment where employees feel secure, respected, and motivated to perform at their best. In the end, the most effective leaders are those who can adapt their style to meet the needs of their team while maintaining the integrity and standards that drive success.

About the author

Terry Mante is a thought leader whose expression as an author, corporate trainer, management consultant, and speaker provides challenge and inspiration to add value to organizations and position individuals to function effectively. Connect with him on LinkedIn, Facebook, X, Instagram, Threads and TikTok @terrymante


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