Shared meals, shared risks – the threat in communal eating


By Godson Kofi DAVIES

Communal eating is a deeply ingrained cultural practice in our country, symbolising unity and a sense of belonging among families and communities. This tradition, where groups gather to eat from the same dish, is a testament to Ghanaian hospitality and community spirit. However, despite its social benefits, communal eating poses health risks, particularly in the transmission of infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Helicobacter pylori, which can lead to stomach ulcers.

The cultural significance of communal eating

Communal eating is prevalent during family gatherings, religious celebrations and community festivals in Ghana. Traditional foods like fufu, banku, kenkey and shared soups and stews are typically consumed with hands from a shared bowl.

This practice not only reinforces the social fabric of Ghanaian society, but also reflects a rich cultural heritage of sharing and community support. Communal eating goes beyond mere nutrition; it fosters unity, strengthens family ties and builds trust within the community. It is an age-old tradition central to social gatherings and celebrations, embodying the Ghanaian spirit of hospitality and generosity.

Health risks associated with communal eating

The primary health concern with communal eating is the transmission of diseases through saliva. Hepatitis B, for example, can be spread through mucosal contact with infected bodily fluids, including from shared eating utensils or the communal food itself. While the risk of transmission via this route is lower compared to other methods such as blood transfusion or sexual contact, the communal nature of eating can still pose a significant risk, especially if someone in the group is a carrier of the virus.

Extending the health discussion

Infectious diseases like Hepatitis B and C are serious health concerns in many communities, and the intimate act of sharing a meal can unfortunately facilitate the spread of these illnesses. For instance, Hepatitis B is highly infectious and can lead to severe liver conditions, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. Moreover, Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium spread similarly, is a common cause of peptic ulcers and can lead to gastric cancer if untreated.

Advising caution in communal eating

Given the health risks, particularly the spread of Hepatitis B, it is crucial to reconsider how communal meals are shared, especially considering modern health challenges. The risk of spreading infections can be mitigated by adopting certain preventive measures:

  • Use individual plates: Serving individual plates from a common dish can significantly reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
  • Promote handwashing: Ensuring that all participants wash their hands thoroughly before and after eating can help prevent the spread of infections.
  • Avoid communal eating if unwell: Anyone who is ill or knows they are a carrier of infectious diseases should avoid participating in communal eating.
  • Education on safe eating practices: Conduct educational sessions or workshops within communities to raise awareness about the risks associated with communal eating and the importance of hygiene. Education can empower individuals to make safer choices and understand the reasons behind new practices.
  • Regular health screenings: Encourage regular health screenings for communicable diseases within communities. Knowing one’s health status not only helps in taking personal precautions, but also assists in preventing the spread of diseases to others in communal settings.
  • Use of disinfectants for utensils: Implement the use of disinfectants to clean utensils and serving dishes thoroughly before and after meals. This helps eliminate any pathogens that might have been transferred during communal eating.
  • Clear guidelines for food preparation: Establish clear guidelines for those preparing and serving food to ensure that hygiene is maintained throughout the process. This could include wearing gloves, using serving utensils, and avoiding direct hand contact with the food.

Importance of vaccination

Vaccination remains one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of Hepatitis B. The Ghana Health Service recommends the Hepatitis B vaccine for all individuals, especially children, as part of their routine immunisations. Vaccinating against Hepatitis B not only protects the individual, but also helps prevent the community-wide spread of the virus.

While the tradition of communal eating plays a vital role in our cultural and social life, it is important to balance tradition with health safety. By adopting preventive measures and encouraging widespread vaccination, communities can continue to enjoy the benefits of communal gatherings without compromising their health. This approach ensures that the cherished practice of communal eating can be carried forward safely into the future, maintaining its cultural significance while protecting the well-being of the community.

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any organisation.

>>>I’ll be your wingman on your health journey! The writer is a public health professional with a Master’s degree from the University of Illinois at Springfield, USA and works as a Medical Fraud Analyst at the Illinois Office of Inspector-General. He founded GD Consult in Ghana to promote healthy lifestyles and developed innovative projects, such as a Health Risk Assessment Model for hydraulic fracking operations. He can be reached via [email protected]