Citizens’ declaration for a social contract with gov’t as part of Compact



We, as citizens of Ghana, recognizing the enduring social contract between the government and the people as enshrined in the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, affirm our natural and inalienable right to secure for ourselves and posterity the blessings of liberty, equality of opportunity, and prosperity. In this spirit, we reaffirm our commitment to the principles of justice, equity, and mutual respect through transformative governance in Ghana.

United by our common desire for a prosperous, equitable, and sustainable future, we declare our expectations for transformative governance in Ghana. This declaration is the result of extensive consultation and engagement with key segments of Ghanaian society, including the private sector, civil society, the informal sector, academia, and public institutions, reflecting their unique challenges and opportunities.

We assert that our process involved rigorous analysis of Ghana’s experiences during the fourth republic, learning from past successes and shortcomings. Culminating at the Citizens’ Convention held on June 18-19, 2024, representatives from major sectors of society gathered to distill the most pressing issues for Ghana’s transformation, crystallizing our collective vision and aspirations for the future we want. This declaration outlines our expectations to guide governance in Ghana as we approach our 100th year of independence in 2057.

Our Commitment

Together, we commit to strong national values of patriotism, hard work, service, integrity, and loyalty that are critical for building the future we want. We also commit to work collaboratively as citizens to achieve transformative governance that reflects the will and aspirations of the Ghanaian people.

Recognizing the need to stay true to the elements of this declaration, we further commit to hold the government accountable to this declaration through an accountability mechanism that reflects the milestones for our aspirations over time.

Our call

We call upon our government to commit to this social contract and work collaboratively with all stakeholders to achieve these goals. Together, we can build a Ghana that is prosperous, equitable, and sustainable for current and future generations.

On Gender Equality, we call for:

  1. Equal Opportunities: Ensure gender equality in education, employment and political participation.
  2. Protection from Violence: Strengthen laws and enforcement mechanisms to protect individuals from gender-based violence and discrimination.
  3. Economic Empowerment: Promote policies that support women’s entrepreneurship and access to financial resources.

On Education, we call for:

  1. Quality and Accessibility: Ensure access to quality education for all, irrespective of geographical location or socio-economic status.
  2. Teacher Training and Support: Invest in continuous professional development for teachers and improve their working conditions.
  3. Curriculum Development: Update the national curriculum to include skills relevant to the modern economy, including digital literacy and critical thinking.

On Health, we call for:

  1. Universal Health Coverage: Provide universal access to quality healthcare services, including preventive, curative, and rehabilitative care.
  2. Health Infrastructure: Invest in health infrastructure, particularly in rural and underserved areas.
  3. Health Workforce: Increase the number of trained health professionals and improve their working conditions to ensure a robust health workforce.

On Private Sector Development, we call for:

  1. Business Environment: Create a conducive environment for private sector growth through regulatory reforms and improved access to finance.
  2. Support for SMEs: Provide support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through training, mentorship, and market access initiatives.
  3. Innovation and Technology: Encourage innovation and the adoption of new technologies to enhance productivity and competitiveness.

On Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, we call for:

  1. Adoption of Sustainable Practices: Implement and enforce policies that promote the use of renewable energy sources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect natural resources.
  2. Climate Resilience: Develop infrastructure and systems that enhance the country’s resilience to climate change impacts, especially for vulnerable communities.
  3. Education and Awareness: Increase public awareness and education on environmental conservation and sustainable practices.

On Youth Employment, we call for:

  1. Job Creation: Implement policies that create sustainable job opportunities for the youth, particularly in emerging sectors such as technology and renewable energy.
  2. Skills Development: Invest in vocational training and skills development programs to equip young people with the skills needed for the job market.
  3. Youth Participation: Foster youth participation in decision-making processes at all levels of governance.

To achieve what we are calling for, the government must plan wisely and manage its finances responsibly. We therefore make the following overarching calls:

On National Planning, we call for:

  1. 1.Financial Autonomy and Adequate Funding of NDPC: Enforce Clause 17 of the NDPC Act to provide the Commission with block funding from Parliament, allowing it to frame its own budget.
  2. 2.Constitutional Amendment: Amend Articles 86 and 87 to give NDPC’s plans binding authority across successive governments and decouple NDPC from the Office of the President.
  3. 3.Strengthening NDPC’s Role in Budget Integration: Enhance NDPC’s role in integrating long-term plans with the annual budget and resource allocation.

On Fiscal Responsibility, we call for:

  1. Transparency and Accountability: Enhance transparency in government spending and ensure that public funds are used effectively and responsibly.
  2. Debt Management: Implement prudent debt management strategies to avoid unsustainable borrowing and ensure fiscal stability.
  3. Revenue Mobilization: Strengthen domestic revenue mobilization through efficient tax systems and the reduction of tax evasion.

Acknowledging that many of the aforementioned goals will require constitutional reform, we ask for the adoption and implementation of key reforms to enable the aspirations of this Declaration to be realized.

What is the Compact?

Formulated by Dr. K.Y. Amoako – Founder and President of the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) – in collaboration with seven prominent policy institutes, the Compact for Political and Economic Transformation is an initiative focused on setting a vision for our nation, outlining collectively agreed solutions for the country’s biggest challenges, and identifying targets for tracking progress towards the agreed vision.