Poetry Corner: These Must Not Be Said


My lips zipped tight

I saw it happen

Right before my eyes

Right as I watched

I heard it mentioned once

Then twice

Even thrice

Right as I listened

But my lips zipped tight

These must not be said

These things must be left unsaid


I inhaled the air ambient

And it had a putrid smell

Right as I smelled

But who would ring the cat’s bell?

Then I knew it all

It was all wrong

Nothing turned out right

But my lips zipped tight

These must not be said

These things must be left unsaid


My lips zipped tight

He ignored all things right and wise

He was right in his own hollowness

He spurned concerned circles of sympathies

He turned to his concurring clique of cronies

His cohorts


His ilk

His ilk were filled with malice

His ilk filled him with ills

Ills evil enough to kill

Ills to make him thrill at other’s ills

…at other’s failings

Ills to make him fail miserably

But these must not be said

These things must be left unsaid

My lips zipped tight


My lips zipped tight

I sensed the unfolding danger

The looming calamity

The galloping famine

The gathering storm

The downward spiral

The backward dancing

The stagnation

The deterioration

I sensed danger unfurling a dark night

But my lips zipped tight

These must not be said

These things must be left unsaid


My lips zipped tight

It poured in trickles

Then in torrents of anger

It piled up behind the wall of the canker

Threatening to push the wall to a crack

With all the force it could muster

With all the evil it forebode

But all these were kept at bay

By the unseen hand of  trickery

I knew the danger it posed

But my mouth was told to close

These must not be said

These things must be left unsaid

My lips zipped shut


My lips zipped tight

I knew the sore was festering sick

The flies were hovering thick

All around

He was hurting

He smelled sick

But he was smiling

He preferred a plastering

He welcomed no pestering

He was hiding the offending aroma

He was fending off the impending coma

He proffered a tight covering on the putrefying fragrance

My lips zipped… stitched so tight

These must not be said

These things must be left unsaid


My lips zipped tight

I knew his rise to the sky was so contrived

Elevated to tower over all his type

Overrated to be venerated by all types

I knew his rise to the sky would be on the slide

Sliding to hit the lowest high

Soon…before all eyes


I knew the sky could not hide his type

His type should fall from the sky

…wounded by pride

But these must not be said

These things must be left unsaid

My lips zipped shut


These were not said

The things left unsaid

Came back with things to hurt