ICAG inaugurates West African Centre for Accountancy on Research in Kumasi

The President of ICAG, Ms. Sena Dake, being assisted by Very. Rev. Dr Joseph Osei to cut the tape to officially inaugurate the ICAG Kumasi office, while other members of ICAG look on admirably

As part of efforts to enhance research in accountancy in the West African block and expand its tentacles across Ghana, the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICAG), has commissioned its West Africa Centre for Accountancy on Research in Kumasi

Located in the Ashanti regional municipal of Asokwa, the two-storey ultramodern facility, aims to serve the northern sector of Ghana and thereby making ICAG a leading accountancy research organisation in the sub-region.

Addressing a meeting prior to the commissioning of the facility, the president of ICAG, Ms. Sena Dake, announced that the project aims to be a centre of excellence, urging ICAG members to support the course, which has been approved by the ICAG Council which is the highest decision-making body.

Ms Dake subsequently disclosed the name of the facility as West Africa Centre for Accountancy on Research.

“This place is going to be a centre for research and thankfully, council has approved the establishment of the centre for research; the name of the research centre is going to be West Africa Centre for Accountancy on Research”, she stressed

Apart from research purposes, the ICAG president disclosed that the facility would be used for the purpose of office, examination and others.

Filled with so much confidence about the future success story of the research centre, The President mentioned that they would work in partnership with other research organization, expressing optimism that this would attract international organization for their research work.

Dr. Robert Donaldy, Chairman of Ashanti ICAG addressing some members and the clergy

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ICAG, Dr. Kwasi Agyemang, who earlier opened the meeting, said that ICAG has come of age hence they have decided to expand their tentacles across Ghana.

This property, according to him was purchased years ago, and they decided to renovate it as a research centre in Kumasi.

On his part, the Chairman for the Kumasi branch of ICAG, Dr. Donaldy Robert, lauded ICAG authorities for commissioning the Kumasi property.

He encouraged members especially practitioners in Ashanti and the middle belt of Ghana to make good use of the newly inaugurated research Centre to equip themselves with the skills they require to improve upon their professional carrier for the benefit of their clients.

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