Nuggets from the feet of Esther Cobbah


By Bernard ALLOTEY

I had the rare privilege of working with one of the gems God has blessed Ghana with. Joy FM once described this personality as the face of corporate communications in Ghana.

Rightly so, I can confidently say she walks and talks Public Relations. Thankfully, the Institute of Public Relations Ghana (IPR) has elected her as their new President.

I am referring to none other than the much respected Esther Amba Numaba Cobbah. For over four decades, this venerable woman has been a trailblazer in the PR space in Ghana.

She has efficiently built her organization, Stratcomm Africa, from her home study table into a world-class PR and reputation management firm. This was at a time that there was very little regard for our noble professional. This year, Stratcomm Africa will be celebrating three decades of excellence and persuasive strategic communications.

I gained enormous experience learning and working under this genius, popularly referred to as Aunty Esther.

Let me summarize some nuggets that I picked from Esther Cobbah.

The God Factor
First and foremost, Aunty Esther doesn’t joke with her maker. Anyone who knows and is associated with her will testify that she ‘Works To The Glory Of God’.

She is of the firm belief that, first and foremost, we are stewards of God’s Grace who has given us responsibilities and and the relevant talents foe delivering on them. .

She teaches about God first, giving reverence and offering the necessary praise and worship. She actually sees work as a form of worship and often says, “By their works, you shall know them” When we are faced with difficult situations, she will heartily say, “Try Esther’s God.”

Aunty Esther does not compromise on excellence. She is, in fact, she is the epitome of excellence.

Stratcomm Africa is built on the pillar of excellence.

We were taught to achieve real excellence in every sphere of life.

Her word of caution is that we serve an excellent God, so we should deliver everything we do excellently. Thus mediocrity should not in any way be associated with us.

As IPR President, I can assure members of the PR fraternity that our name and image will be associated with excellence at all times.

Have a strategy or plan
What is the plan or strategy, and where are they? These are the first questions you would have to answer when you want to undertake a project or task.

She doesn’t work on any assignment without a clear strategy.

Knowing who she is and what she stands for, IPR will be blessed with a great strategy and its associated plans based on serious data and analysis that will guide the institute.

Trust me, she will implement everyone of them to the letter. She will combine the science and art of communication to carry IPR to another level.

Image is everything
A good name is better than material riches

Aunty Esther is a firm believer and practitioner of Proverbs 22:1. In fact, this scripture is boldly inscribed on the walls of the reception at Stratcomm Africa.

She is someone who jealously guards her hard-won reputation.

Imagine how she will project the name of the IPR. Image is everything.

She advises young people to build a good image, which will enable them to attract money. .

As stewards, we are accountable for anything and everything; that’s the discipline Aunty Esther instils in you. In fact at Stratcomm Sfrica, we are taught to be faithful stewards of all that is entrusted to us.

Nothing goes to waste in the office; everything is accounted for, including A4 sheets and envelops. IPR members are assured of her accounting for every single pesewa entrusted to her care to manage the institution.

Work hard, play harder
Aunty Esther gives 200% to every task. She works until the task is accomplished. She carries her team in the same manner.

All seriousness is attached to every project. When it’s done, we put our heads down.

We work hard and smart, and we play harder. You should see her do the terminator dance.

IPR members Aunty Esther will ensure hard work and a good celebration to accompany our completed tasks.
She will make membership of the institute a place of excellence and a hub of fun and unity.

These are some nuggets I learnt from the feet of a proper, virtuous woman and an achiever, an amazing professional and entrepreneur with a firm belief that we each were born in Ghana for a purpose and should have a commitment to deliver faithfully on that purpose.

Congratulations Madam Esther Cobbah on your election as IPR President.
