African Women embrace family planning as a critical component of sustainable regional development

Dr. Sheila Macharia, managing director, FP2030 East & Southern Africa Hub & Dr. Martin Migombano, managing director, FP2030 North, West, & Central Africa Hub

As the global community strives to achieve the family planning goals, a continent often stereotyped for high fertility rates deserves recognition – Africa.

Through dedicated efforts by governments, international organizations, and local communities, significant strides have been made in improving access to family planning services and empowering individuals to make informed choices about their reproductive health.

The success story is evident in the soon-to-be-released FP2030 annual report slated for 24 April 2024 in Washington DC.

The 2023 Measurement Report is a vital tool for tracking progress and also reveals encouraging trends across various indicators, reflecting Africa’s commitment to advancing reproductive health and rights.

One of the most notable achievements is the rise in modern contraceptive prevalence rates. More people than ever before are using reliable methods like pills, injectables, implants, and Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) to plan their families and improve their health.

This surge speaks volumes about the effectiveness of efforts to expand access to a diverse range of contraceptive options.

Another crucial aspect is addressing unmet need for family planning. This refers to the gap between individuals who desire to delay or space pregnancies but lack access to effective methods.

By providing comprehensive information and a variety of contraceptives, African countries are empowering individuals to make choices that align with their reproductive goals. This reduction in unmet need translates to healthier families and communities.

Africa recognizes that adolescents and youth are key players in shaping the continent’s future. The FP2030 agenda prioritizes their sexual and reproductive health needs.

Through targeted interventions like comprehensive sexuality education and youth-friendly services, young people are gaining the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. This empowers them to take charge of their well-being and contribute positively to society.

Sustainable regional development and progress necessitates investment, and African governments have demonstrated this commitment by allocating increasing funds for family planning programs.

This prioritization, reflected in the latest FP2030 Progress Measurement Report, highlights a shift towards ownership and leadership within national health agendas. By investing domestically, African countries are driving progress towards FP2030 goals.

While progress is undeniable, challenges persist in ensuring universal access to quality services. Cultural norms may discourage family planning, while a lack of awareness and limited access in remote areas create additional hurdles. Overcoming these obstacles requires a multi-sectoral approach. Governments, civil society, and the private sector need to collaborate to dismantle barriers and expand service access.

As we celebrate Africa’s advancements, it is crucial to maintain momentum and build upon these achievements. Continued investment, strong political commitment, and collaboration across sectors are essential to ensure that every individual, regardless of location, has access to the information and services they need to plan their families and safeguard their health.

By working together, we can realize the vision of FP2030 and create a continent where every person can exercise their reproductive rights and choices.