Adjo&Kojo’s No Reason for Rhyme: The Aura, Truth


When I used to roam through worlds other hands, created

Feeling nostalgia of a life not led…


When I stand by my mind to revert thence

Will you with me yonder wander free?


When I used to bask richly in worlds other minds, birthed?

Feeling eternity in those fleeting intangibles

When those feelings of peace, clarity, purpose were sowed in me

Encapsulated in art, in song, in prose, in poetry

And the Everlasting felt, here, truer

In fiction, in fiction! – the Eternal, truer and deeper…


When I stand by my heart to revert thence

Will you with me hither wander free?


Truth clothed in tale

Magic clad in the mundane

Meaning, mine; mysteries, mine; depth, mine

Death, mere commence

Truer and truer, these whispers of undyingness

Truth dolled up in fiction

Untrue but true…


Oh, when I used to roam through these worlds other hands, made


Finding here, now, the purpose in me to reverse thence

Will you with me into these fantasies spread free?


Borrowing from fiction into fiction

Oh, let the world’s hard facts with the world remain!

You and I within that bubble, we’ll be true

Into these worlds other hand hath made, we’ll be true

Perpetually, the poet’s handiwork

Yes, facts, false; feelings, truth

Bursting with nostalgia of lives not lived

Sweet memories of existences not forged


Oh, remembering, now, when I used to roam through these worlds other hands created

And standing by my mind to regress thence

Will you with me yonder wander free?