Poetry Corner: Waste Mismanagement


So the chiming clock

And the timing hour hand

Sent every dozing eye to sleep land


And oh nature had called at an hour so odd

A call he must honour…at all cost


At an hour he did not suspect…he had received nature’s call

At a place he did not respect…he had answered nature’s call


He looked back at the call

That call…that sent him out that odd hour


See where you fall…in the free zone of putrefaction

Shame how you fall…like a product of incubation


So he played the game of shame

He named this shame…the game with a name

A game of open defecation


And so he laid the blame squarely

On nature’s calling…on a troubling belly



The very eyes of the beholders…were looking on

The onlookers were beholding

And behold!

There was a pissing spree


Oh this his pissing pastime

Pissing…just as in times past


He looked on the right side..and then on the left side

He chose to piss there…right there

On their left side


Hei! he pissed

He pissed onlookers off


He passed by the eyes of the beholders

He pissed in their midst…in the midst of onlookers


He wasn’t a loner…so he realized

She was on his side


She was spraying the wee wee in a wee bit…as she pissed

Pissing off everyone

Pulling every eye along

Pushing every masculine eye off…to see no evil


She parted every covering…clothing her

Pissing everyone off

She squatted into a bowlegged pose

Spurting and spilling as she rose

Squinting at those who admired her pose



Mr Mucus

Brother Phlegm

Sister Saliva

Senior Sputum


The siblings conspired to split his side…with a spit


The siblings used to lie in chesty, throaty


Now they quicken quite a mouthful…of spit


A temptation he could not refuse

A spitting he did not resist


He spits to forfeit a dignity…on the streets

He spits to spew indignity…upon all he meets



His nose…nosed around

To pick up dust that arose unsettled

And then the dust settled in his nose…into a sticky dose


He picked up the dust…from his nose

He picked his nose of the dusty, sticky, dose…from his nose

Unto his forefinger


And upon his forefinger it lingered…and lingered

Till he delivered in a handshake…in a handshaking galore



Once upon a litter box

He posted his litter in a box


Once again at a litter post

He posts his litter on a spot

He dares to litter late…into the watercourse


He reads the weather with the weather man…for a pouring rain

He litters the drains in the rain

Now and again


He dares to wait for a fine…on the spot

He must have a date with a sanitation court