Mary – an outstanding model of purity


In the history of the world, God decided to choose a young, faithful, committed and devout worshiper of His to work out His plan of saving humankind through the birth of Jesus Christ the Messiah. This privileged personality is Mary, a young Jewish woman who was living in the town of Nazareth.

A spiritual gem

For Mary to be chosen out of the many young women of the town of Nazareth to be the mother of the Messiah of the world shows that she was a spiritual gem among her colleagues and associates.

The special angelic message

At the appointed time, God sent His angel, Gabriel, to deliver a special message to this young godly woman. The angel’s introductory greeting which preceded his message was so captivating!

“Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you.” (Luke 1:28 NIV).

This initial greeting was followed by an exciting and fascinating message:

“You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.  He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High” (Luke 1:31-32 NIV).

Mary’s question

The message was out of the ordinary and it was going to have serious implications for herself and her future family; so Mary had to seek further clarification. She, therefore, asked the angel:

How can this be, since I am a virgin?” (Luke 1:34 NIV).

Zechariah’s doubting words

Earlier, Zechariah, the priest, had had a similar face-to-face encounter with the same angel Gabriel; but unfortunately, with all his vast experience in the priesthood, Zechariah doubted the divine message that was delivered to him concerning his wife Elizabeth getting pregnant at an old age. Consequently, he became dumb until the miracle baby, John, was born.

In the case of Mary, she believed the message of the angel. Her question only portrayed her youthful innocence and her desire to understand how the holy conception was going to work out.  She had been betrothed to Joseph, but the time had not yet come for their relationship to be consummated.  As a righteous woman, she was not prepared to commit sexual sin and get pregnant.

Mary’s shining example is a challenge to today’s generation.  How many young men and young women are ready to say “No” to fornication and adultery and wait to be properly married?

With the angel’s explanation, Mary was now reassured and she embraced the divine message:

“I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1: 38 NIV).

In angel Gabriel’s communication, he also informed Mary that her cousin, Elizabeth, who was known to be barren, was pregnant and was going to give birth to a miracle baby, who was going to prepare the way for the Messiah.

In joyous mood of expectation

After her encounter with the angel, Mary, in her enthusiasm and excitement, travelled to a nearby town to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was carrying the miracle baby. We are told that when Elizabeth heard Mary’s greetings, “the baby leaped in her womb” and she (Elizabeth) was filled with the Holy Spirit” (Luke 1:41 NIV). What a beautiful and exciting time of fellowship! In this great atmosphere of spiritual visitation, Mary burst out in praise to God:

“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour,

for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant” (Luke 1:46-48 NIV).

In her jubilation, Mary made a prophetic statement:

“From now on all generations shall call me blessed,

for the Mighty One has done great things for me” (Luke 1:48b-49).

How true it is today!  Mary’s life and testimony have had great influence on the whole world, across centuries.  Today, some religious groups even want to elevate her beyond what is biblically acceptable.  As for Mary, she considered herself as a humble servant of The Lord. She would rather point all people to Jesus, the Saviour.

News of Mary’s pregnancy

As the days passed by, Mary’s pregnancy became obvious and the news broke out to the general public: Mary, the young woman who had been betrothed to Joseph, had become pregnant when their relationship had not been officially consummated.

It is obvious that the general public may have made all kinds of remarks concerning the young virgin’s pregnancy. Indeed, Mary may have faced a barrage of questions from all corners – relatives, colleagues and friends. As for the religious leaders, priests and law makers, they could see nothing but punishment awaiting the young pregnant woman.  They did not know that the couple was under divine protection.

Mary’s reaction

In the midst of the public confusion, Mary was rather filled with inner peace and joy.  Believing angel Gabriel’s message, she would not entertain any doubtful feedback and negative comments which were meant to destroy the relationship between her and her beloved Joseph.

The birth of the holy baby

The decree of Caesar Augustus, the Roman emperor, requiring all citizens to go to their hometown to be counted, presented a tough challenge to the young couple, especially Mary, who was heavy with the holy conception.  She and her husband Joseph had to travel a long distance to relocate to Bethlehem, Joseph’s hometown, for the official census. When Mary’s time was due, Joseph was unable, in spite of all efforts, to secure a decent and comfortable place for her beloved to deliver the holy child, except in a manger.

The hymnist, George Stringer Rowe (1830-1913), paints the Holy Child’s birth location as follows,

“Cradled in a manager, meanly

Laid the Son of Man His head;

Sleeping His first earthly slumber

Where the oxen had been fed…” (MHB 127, 1st stanza).

Celebration and jubilation

It was great joy for Mary and Joseph to see fulfilled the angelic and prophetic messages which had been communicated to them earlier.  Mary and her husband must have been highly delighted to experience the euphoria surrounding the arrival of the Holy Baby.

  • An angel announced the Holy Birth to shepherds in the field.
  • A great company of heavenly hosts joined the angel to celebrate the special birth.
  • The shepherds rushed to the birthplace to pay homage to the Baby King; and they returned to spread the exciting news to the public.
  • Wise men from the distant east learnt of the birth of the Baby King and were directed by a special star to the birthplace in Bethlehem. They presented their gifts of gold, incense and myrrh to the Baby King.

The mission ahead

The celebration of the Holy Birth was crowned with the presentation of the child Jesus in the temple in Jerusalem for the performance of the Jewish purification rites for the first-born male child. The great messages, revelations and prophesies pronounced by Simeon and Anna – righteous personalities – reinforced the previous angelic communication and prepared Mary and her husband for the great mission ahead.

In his presentation, Simeon also addressed Mary directly in the following words:

  • “And a sword will pierce your own soul too” (Luke 2:35 NIV).

The challenges of a young mother

As a loving caring mother, Mary had to go through very difficult times to protect her baby. When Herod threatened to kill baby Jesus, she escaped with the baby and Joseph to a foreign land, Egypt, for safety upon the angel’s instruction.  According to divine arrangement, Africa played an important role to welcome (in Egypt) the Holy Child and to accompany him (through Simon) to His death on the cross at Calvary.

At God’s own appointed time, Mary travelled back to Nazareth with her family to carry out her divine mission and support the ministry of her son, Jesus the Messiah.  As a godly and obedient woman, she would witness, directly, God’s plan of salvation unfold before her family and extend beyond the borders of Judea to the entire world.

Role model of purity

Mary is, indeed, a great role model, an extraordinary person who has influenced many people throughout generations. Her godly character, humility, commitment and determination to please God at all cost, regardless of all the challenges she met makes her stand out as a chosen vessel and a great personality to emulate.

The writer is an HR/Management Practitioner

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