WHEEL OF LIFE SERIES BY LADYSAM: Live the life you envision in 2024


I believe that we all have goals or things that we want to achieve in life. Everyone has something that they want to bring into their reality.

It is so important to have a vision or a goal that even the bible warns us about that ‘Without a vision, the people perish’ Proverbs 29. However, at times, it can be true that

some do not have a vision or they struggle to pinpoint what it is they want. For others, the struggle isn’t so much that they do not know what they want but rather they do not know how to go about it or they don’t feel motivated enough to go after what they want.

These types of barriers will definitely make it hard to focus efforts to help achieve one’s goals.

This is where I feel a vision board can come in and play a key role. Just imagine being able to see your goals as an image, would that not be motivating?

It has been proven that visualisation, that is, holding a mental image of something, can help to bring things into being.

Seeing your dreams, ambitions, and goals in image form makes them more tangible. After all, a vision board is just a visual representation of what you wish to achieve.

As a life coach, I have been helping hundreds of people over the years and have steered them into identifying their goals. I have helped them to create vision boards, helping them map out their goals and dreams. As a result, I’ve had many testimonials from my classes, people getting married, people going on dream destinations, and people starting businesses, to name but a few. Of course, it is not magic, people have to put in the work, but the point is they become really focused and end up achieving their goals.

Why don’t you join my vision board class? Let’s live the life we have dreamed of. Come and be a part of this. It is on February 10th, 2024, at Jambo Spaces, Tse Addo. Space is limited, so send a message to +23350 1518477 to register.