Smooth change of leadership at Ghana women professional insurers body


The executive leadership of the Chartered Insurance Ladies Association Ghana – the professional grouping of women in the insurance industry which includes several of the industry’s topmost chieftains – has changed hand as the two-year tenure of the administration of outgoing President Jennifer Bebli – General Manager at Donewell Insurance Company, has expired.

The new administration that will lead the association through the ongoing period of rapid growth in stature, for the next two years, has taken up office duly. It is headed by the incoming president, Nicholina Naa Yeye Adumoah, who heads the regional office of the National Insurance Commission (the industry regulator) in Cape Coast.

Schneider Akomaning Boadu is the new Vice President; Margaret Ocansey is General Secretary; Benedicta Obeng Agyekum is Financial Secretary; Nana Dufie Amakye Ansah is Organising Secretary; Maureen Nartey is Project Secretary; and Jennifer Asare is ex-officio member of the administration.

The handing over was accompanied by a practical manifestation of CILAG’s claim to integrity and best practices in the form of its 2023 Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, which the association has used to usher in the Christmas spirit of love for humanity.

Outgoing President Jennifer Bebli listed several achievements from her administration’s tenure in office at CILAG. These include a few online sessions on insurance, finance and health to build the capacities and knowledge of members; an Easter Orphanage project through which CILAG members supported their association’s donations to orphans with substantial amounts of food items, clothing and educational materials. An initiative to roll out a new welfare package for members is still ongoing.

CILAG is growing rapidly in stature in both its impact and influence. Under Bebli’s leadership, the association has increasingly participated in international conferences, winning the respect and goodwill of the industry around the world; and is already accepted as an influential grouping in Ghana itself. Indeed, CILAG has joined the Africa Insurance Women’s Association, officially a body of the African Insurance Organisation. Furthermore, membership in Ghana is on the rise.

She thanked members for their contributions to the development of CILAG and its aims and other insurance-related professional bodies, such as the Ghana Insurers Association and the Chartered Institute of Insurance Ghana, and congratulated the incoming administration on their elevation.

New President Nicholina Naa Yeye Adumoah promised that her administration will be guided by CILAG’s core values: professionalism, integrity and excellence. She unveiled the four strategic areas her administration would focus on over the next two years. These are impactful and transformational leadership; effective collaboration with stakeholder institutions; championing and facilitating professionalism and capacity building of members; and accelerating the momentum of CILAG’s ongoing evolution and growth and the use of mentorships to develop members.

Formally accepting her new responsibilities as head of CILAG’s new administration, she was enthusiastic and confident, calling out to members that “as we blaze the trail as women in our industry, both locally and internationally, let’s make a difference and create the world we want to live in beginning from our various work places and homes. I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and the positive change we can bring about together for a greater impact.