MINDSET with Gambrah Sampeney Kwabena Adjei: Christmas Journey


Jingle Jangle is an all-Christmas journey musical fantasy movie.

The movie has a leading character in the person of Forest Whitaker – one of the first black African American to have won the main leading role actor performance award in the Last King of Scotland film at the Oscars who happens to play the character Jeronicus

Jeronicus was so happy and constantly in joy about his inventions.

His joy finally got over the moon when he eventually created his first toy which could talk, dance and had the ability to reason.

This wonderful magical toy, upon hearing that millions of its same kind were going to be exponentially done, couldn’t take that and therefore, managed to reason with the apprentice to steal him out of that place called Jingle Jangle that belonged to Jeronicus.

The apprentice became so famous and wealthy with this magical toy while Jeronicus became weary and sad.

Due to these unfortunate happenings, Jeronicus lost his magical touch, his wife, and eventually became lonely because his only daughter also left him to a far place.

One day, his granddaughter by name Journey returned to Jeronicus and managed to induce her grand-dad Jeronicus with her Midas instincts, challenged Jeronicus to embrace his real self once again, and continue with his magical inventions once more.

Now as that process unfolded, Journey hit the grand-dad Jeronicus with a pellet of snow balls on the main street of where they lived.

As Jeronicus intuitively responded by also throwing one at her, he felt the joy he had lost.

As he continued with this sensation of being able to write in the skies as to what angle to throw the snow balls at her granddaughter and friends who had joined her, a series of songs to capture that moment ensued.

Out of this series of songs, the only one that struck a lovely joy out of me as I watched the movie was Bisa K Dei’s song. The song was done in our native language and also had this fast tempo rhythm to it.

The song was beautifully choreographed with dance indigenously known as well.

All this was to point to the Internet technology in things of today.

Mind you, this movie was streamed on Netflix – a movie streaming platform.

Technology is any time, any where a new variable is introduced to the same set of circumstances to create a totally different exponential result.

This Internet technology has given the capacity to do business in any country of your choice by a click away from wherever you are by not necessarily stepping foot in that country, and notice in a very scalable manner.

Can you imagine the exponential value for just these few seconds of Bisa K Dei’s song? Your guess is as good as mine!

Think about it!