Impact Amplifier, to address online safety with platform


Impact Amplifier, in partnership with, is taking a significant step toward addressing online safety on the continent – with development of the first Africa-focused online safety research, education and support platform.

This initiative comes as part of ongoing efforts to combat the growing challenges of online safety in the region.

The platform will serve as a centralised hub for key tools and resources needed to support online safety initiatives. It will aggregate research about online safety in Africa, making this crucial knowledge accessible to policymakers, civil society, academics, businesses and the general public.

This move aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the online safety landscape in Africa, and empower stakeholders with the necessary information to address the issue effectively. This was made known during the announcement of winners of this year’s grants for Africa Online Safety Fund by Impact Amplifier.

In addition, the platform will also host educational materials designed to teach individuals, including children and adults, how to protect themselves online. The content will include curriculums, testing materials, evaluation tools and general awareness content, ensuring that anyone interested in learning about online safety has easy access to the resources they need.

Furthermore, the platform will centralise support services for individuals who have been victims of online crimes or violations. This will make it easier for people across Africa to access the assistance they need when faced with online safety issues. The launch of this new platform is scheduled for February 2024.

Africa Online Safety Fund announcement

The Africa Online Safety Fund (AOSF) has announced the winners of this year’s grants, with four Ghanaian organisations being part. These organisations include: Internet Safety Foundation, iWatch Africa, My Power App and Penplusbytes.

Aside from Ghana, some organisations within other African countries like Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Cameroon, Somalia and Zimbabwe also had organisations being part of the 22 winners.

Over 350 applications were received in the 2023 cohort, from which a shortlist of 40 entries made it to the final selection process.  Each of the eventual winners will receive grants ranging from US$10,000 to US$50,000 – made possible with the support of

Making the announcement, Impact Amplifier Director, Tanner Methvin said: “With over 500 million people having access to the Internet in Africa – reflecting just under 40 percent of the continent’s population – online safety issues are of critical concern”.

He noted that the AOSF supports innovative approaches to addressing the complex safety issues presented by the Internet.

“The winning innovative solutions range from unique ways of combatting misinformation and disinformation; establishing investigative teams to track cyber-criminals; supporting journalists targetted with hate speech and bullying; integrating online safety training into school curriculums, and much more,” he added.

The AOSF offers grants to organisations throughout Africa which address one or more safety issues the internet facilitates. It is however focused on four primary countries: Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa in this funding round.

There are three categories of funding: Transformative, Maturing and Catalytic. Transformative projects are a maximum grant of US$50,000; Maturing projects up to US$25,000; and Catalytic projects US$10,000.