UniMAC-IJ to focus on education reportage and media training at 10th Inter faculty lecture


Education communication will be the focus of discussion at the 10th Inter-Faculty lecture organized under the auspices of the Directorate of Research, Innovations and Development (DRID) of the University of Media Arts and Communication-Institute of Journalism (UniMAC-IJ).

Dr. Stanley Semarco, a senior lecturer and dean of School of Alternative Learning (SAL) at UNiMAC-IJ will lead the discussions. The Seminar seeks to delve into the heart of education communication and schooling issues under the theme: “Considering Education Communication and Schooling Issues: The Education Beat Terrain Reporters wish to Travel”.

By 2030, the United Nations sustainable development goal 4  seeks to ensure that “all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to  relevant and effective learning outcomes”.

For Ghana to achieve this goal, Dr Semarco is of the view that all stakeholders must ensure they play their role effectively.

Speaking ahead of the event Dr. Semarco said the media’s role in ensuring the goal is achieved is critical therefore whilst in school, students journalists must know the need in reporting as well as how to report on educational issues.

According to him, “For any country to develop, education is the bedrock, whether it is formal or informal’… and that should be at the forefront of the nation’s concerns.

Speaking on what motivated this research work, Dr Semarco said he sought to know whether  trained journalists priorities reporting on educational issues in the country therefore he asks the  question: “Is Education the preferred News?”

The seminar is scheduled on Friday, November 10, 2023, at the Seminar Room at UNiMAC-IJ, North Dzorwulu Campus. Dr. Semarco will delve deeper into these issues concerning the Ghanaian educational system and structures as well as the need for media schools to train their students on reporting educational news.