Appolonia City women staff inspire and support junior high school girls


Appolonia City’s dedicated female staff visited Appolonia Kpone Katamanso District Assembly Junior High School for an inspiring interaction with final-year female students. The visit, which commemorated International Day of the Girl Child, aimed to empower and encourage young women to strive for success.

The team from Appolonia City, led by Claudia Otoo, Head of City Management, also included members of the sales and marketing departments. The Appolonia City women shared their personal stories with the girls, highlighting the struggles and obstacles they faced on their journeys to success. They emphasised the importance of perseverance, determination and the pursuit of education as a means to overcome life challenges.

The team presented gifts – which included sanitary pads, math sets for examinations, water and drinks – to support their girls’ education and well-being.

Isabella Bedu, the Girls’ Prefect at Appolonia Junior High School, expressed her gratitude on behalf of her fellow girls. “We thank Appolonia City for their thoughtful gesture and promise to make the entire city proud,” Isabella said. “It is inspiring to see what we can become when we work hard and focus on our books. We pledge that we, as a team, will strive to ensure that the highest-performing student in next year’s Basic Education Certificate Examination will be a girl from Appolonia Junior High School.”

Appolonia City is a partnership between Rendeavour – Africa’s largest new city builder, and the chiefs and the people of the Appolonia stool.