Samuel Kwame Boadu trains Priority Insurance Company’s Koforidua agents


Priority Insurance Company Limited has in partnership with Samuel Kwame Boadu and his SamBoad Business Group Limited Team, initiated nationwide training for their insurance agents, focusing on Digital Marketing, Branding, and leveraging WhatsApp Business to build client relationships.

The training sessions covered three essential elements that can shape the success of agents’ insurance businesses in this digital age: Branding, Digital Marketing, and the use of WhatsApp Business. This initiative aligns with Priority Insurance Company’s technology-focused measures to help insurance agents adapt swiftly and navigate the fast pace of technology.

The program also ties in with SamBoad Business Group Limited’s sponsored Corporate Digital Marketing Initiative, aiming to support businesses and brands in catching up with digital marketing trends.

The first training session took place at Priority House, the headquarters of Priority Insurance Company Limited, for all Greater Accra Agents under Priority Insurance.

During the opening of the Koforidua training session, Mr. Prince Boamah Bremang, Acting Manager of the Koforidua Branch, emphasized the importance of equipping insurance agents with digital marketing and branding expertise to help them overcome challenges posed by the pandemic and evolving technology trends in the industry.

Mr. Ernest Danquah, Head of Retail and Agency, further elaborated on the objectives of the training, focusing on increasing the operational capacity of agents nationwide, empowering them to adapt to technology, and ensuring they maintain or expand employment levels.

Mr. Ernest Danquah

Samuel Kwame Boadu, during his training, reminded the agents that effective branding is not just about having a good name but involves aligning their goals with Priority Insurance Company’s long and short-term objectives. He stressed the importance of consistency in messaging, visuals, and customer experience both online and offline.

He highlighted the transformation of marketing in the digital age and the need to focus on reaching audiences online through digital marketing strategies, including social media, content marketing, SEO, and paid advertising.

Boadu emphasized the power of WhatsApp Business for client acquisition and retention, emphasizing the importance of trust, transparency, and a human touch in client communications.

Ephram Gideon Lomotey, Deputy Manager of Broker Relations, advised agents to embrace e-channels and take advantage of management interventions to mitigate the impact of technology, particularly digital marketing, on their operations.

Ephram Gideon Lomotey

Over 15 agents from the Koforidua Branch participated in the third training session, expressing satisfaction with the program. Priority Insurance Company Limited, Samuel Kwame Boadu, and his SamBoad Business Group Limited Team plan to hold more training sessions in the coming weeks, with a focus on training all agents nationwide to address the challenges presented by technology, especially in leveraging digital marketing to enhance their insurance businesses.