Wheel of life series with Lady Sam: take that needed break


Life is not a right but a privilege. We may not be exactly where we want to be but we are far better off than where we could be.

Every day, hour, minute and even second that passes us by is time we cannot get back. Life is precious, time is precious, every day that we are given on this Earth is a blessing, we need to count the moments and make every moment count.

Do you really take in the moments or do you let the moments pass away? As we go about our day how often do we make the effort to stop and smell the roses? How many times have you taken time to hear the birds chirping or stood still to smell the hypnotic aroma of coffee?

We can all get drawn in by the hustle and bustle of life, particularly if self-employed or have a demanding role, the hours and days can pass by, before realizing it, it is the weekend and then comes along the new week. The challenge is that none of us can keep a hold of time, we have all been given the same twenty fours in a day. As a life coach I encourage you to be intentional about your time, schedule time to go for a walk and really observe your surroundings.

When I first became a life coach one of the big buzz words at the time was the word ‘escapism,’ which means seeking relief from the current reality.  This is something that I have learnt to do well, especially when in a stressful situation.

I find somewhere to go mentally as a way of re-centering myself. I had a former colleague who would take a five minute breather and would imagine herself in exotic locations whenever she was stressed, this was her form of escapism, it worked for her, as she would always come back refreshed. Escapism for you could be going for a run, reading a book or watching a film. Escapism is doing something different to break the monotony, at least for a while, in a way that works for you.

I once had to take a trip outside of London, on a coach, the journey was about 3 hours long. On route, the bus driver made two stops so that people could either, use the lavatory or refuel, have a snack. However, it was also very clear that the journey was broken up, so that people, including the driver, could recharge and rest or even escape the routine if only for a few moments.

I like to use the analogy of this bus trip because as we all go on our journey in life, we need to recharge every so often. Having a break, or finding that time to escape can be a good way to recalibrate or recharge ourselves. Let us be intentional about taking the opportunity to refresh, refocus and appreciate the beauty of this thing called life by taking that needed break.