Fostering ethical leadership: a call to introduce ethics and sustainability education in basic schools


In a rapidly changing world, the role of education extends far beyond imparting academic knowledge. It holds the key to shaping responsible citizens, ethical leaders, and stewards of the future of our physical environment.

To this end, there is a need to seriously consider introducing ethics and sustainability as a subject in all basic schools across Ghana with the end game of cultivating a new generation of ethical leaders who will steer Ghana towards a sustainable and prosperous future.

Ethics is about distinguishing right from wrong and making choices that align with moral values. On the other hand, sustainability encompasses environmental, social, and governance (of one’s life and that of any responsibility assigned) considerations, urging individuals to make decisions that benefit the present without compromising the future.

We face a myriad of complex challenges ranging from environmental degradation, manifesting in galamsey and dirt-filled neighbourhoods, to corruption and ethical numbness. These challenges are not insurmountable, but they require a generation of leaders who are well-versed in ethical principles and sustainability practices.

Introducing ethics and sustainability education in basic schools can lay the foundation for a brighter future. Teaching ethics and sustainability at a young age instils relevant core values and principles in children. By integrating these concepts into the curriculum, we can nurture our young minds with a strong moral compass and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of our actions.

Ethics and sustainability education has the potential to equip students with critical thinking skills as stewards of their lives and their immediate environment. They learn to evaluate complex situations, weigh different perspectives, and make informed decisions. These skills are invaluable in a world where ethical dilemmas and sustainability challenges are commonplace.

Ghana needs leaders who can tackle issues such as corruption, social injustice, and environmental degradation with intelligence and integrity.

Teaching ethics and sustainability can strongly deepen empathy and responsible citizenship. Students learn to appreciate the diverse needs and perspectives of people both within their communities and across different cultures in our country. They gain an understanding of the importance of social equity, expressed as impartiality, fairness and justice to ourselves, and the need to clean and protect the deteriorating Ghanaian environment. This perspective is crucial for a nation that seeks to generate leaders who can engage in global partnerships and contribute positively to international economics for the benefit of our country.

Introducing this subject also aligns with Ghana’s national development goals. The country’s Vision 2030 seeks to transform Ghana into a high-income economy while ensuring social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and good governance. A strong foundation in ethics and sustainability education will not only produce future leaders who can drive this vision forward but also ensure that it is achieved in an ethical and sustainable manner. Ethics and sustainability education can have a profound impact on reducing corruption. Corruption has long been a challenge in Ghana, hindering economic growth and eroding public trust. A relevant curriculum that teaches students about the consequences of corruption and instilling a strong ethical foundation can create a generation of individuals who are less likely to engage in corrupt practices and more likely to stand against them.

This initiative would empower students to become advocates for positive change. They can apply the lessons learned in the classroom to their communities, addressing local issues and promoting sustainability initiatives. In this way, basic schools can become hubs of positive change, nurturing a culture of ethics and sustainability from the grassroots up. I need to recognize private sector-led NGOs, like GRIPE Ghana, who are making efforts to educate students on recycling. We need a quantum leap to effect the needed transformation.

Introducing ethics and sustainability education in Ghanaian basic schools should not be merely an option but a necessity. It is a fundamental step towards nurturing a new generation of ethical leaders who will lead Ghana towards a sustainable and prosperous future. This initiative addresses the pressing challenges facing our nation and aligns with our national development goals. As we invest in our youth’s ethical and sustainable education, we invest in the future of Ghana, a future that is brighter, more just, and more sustainable.

The author is a sustainable finance enthusiast with more than 15 years of relevant capital market experience.