Elevating customer satisfaction – strategies for businesses


Attribution of customer service issues: who is to blame?

Many Ghanaian businesses grapple with a significant challenge – customer service. Whether it’s a small and medium-sized enterprise or a large corporation, the issue of customers expressing dissatisfaction due to poor treatment remains prevalent. This problem spans across various sectors. The question arises: Who is truly at fault? Are the companies failing to meet customer expectations, or are customers themselves contributing to the issue?

A recent incident caught my attention on social media, where a post inquired about the bank with the poorest customer service. Reading through the comments, an overwhelming number of customers recounted negative experiences with various banks they had dealt with. It wasn’t a pleasant scene and any bank who was tagged in the comments cannot overlook this.

It is an ISSUE but it has the potential to become a CRISES

Fortunately, one might argue that for many banks, this problem hasn’t yet escalated to a crisis, but remains at the level of an issue. An issue is an unresolved matter that has the potential to negatively affect the organization. When left unaddressed, it can gradually morph into a crisis – a sudden and overwhelming situation capable of damaging an organization’s reputation, endangering public safety, or even compromising its financial stability and which requires immediate attention.

Therefore, it is imperative that banks and other enterprises grappling with customer service concerns take swift action to resolve these issues. This article aims to provide valuable insights into how organizations can effectively manage such challenges before they escalate into full-blown crises.

Initial steps in issue management

To begin with, if your organization has recognized the prevailing customer dissatisfaction issue, you’re already on the right path. In issue management, the first crucial step involves scanning your operational environment comprehensively. This means closely observing concerns raised by both internal and external stakeholders. After this, the subsequent phase is analysing these concerns thoroughly. The objective is to identify the ones that could potentially cause harm if neglected and prioritize them.

In this context, the core issue is customer service, drawing attention from important stakeholders. Those voicing these concerns aren’t merely vocal individuals lacking substantial influence. Instead, they likely fall into the category of antagonistic stakeholders, with the potential to negatively impact your business if their concerns remain unaddressed. Recognizing their potential influence and the associated risks necessitates a response commensurate with the severity of the situation.

Taking action: fostering open dialogue within the organization

After thorough analysis, the critical next step is to proactively respond to the identified issue. Specifically addressing customer service concerns, this process should initiate within the organization itself. Avoid the blame game. Despite dominant negative reactions, positive ones also exist. To proceed effectively, establish a platform for employees to candidly share challenges faced when dealing with customers. This avenue could be anonymous to encourage genuine, apprehension-free sharing of concerns. This step uncovers underlying factors hindering quality service delivery.

Gathering feedback for actionable insights

Another pivotal move is involving customers directly in the resolution process. Delve into their primary service-related concerns. Identify lacking aspects, necessary improvements, and specific service expectations. This requires comprehensive surveys and in-depth customer interviews. Insights gleaned from these engagements shape subsequent actions. The goal isn’t just to meet customer expectations but to exceed them.

Culture evaluation for internal enhancement

A recommended action is tailored employee training. If training is in place, reassess its effectiveness and consider alternative approaches if needed. Equally important is re-evaluating workplace culture, which often reflects internal functioning. Technology’s role is pivotal here too. It prompts consideration of areas benefiting from technological enhancements. Scrutinize competitors for noteworthy practices to adopt. In my view, a crucial step toward seamless customer experience involves reducing reliance on direct human interactions. This transition fosters a truly seamless experience for customers.

Fusion of tech and strategic flexibility

In essence, dedicating effort to comprehensively review internal operations, instilling a flexible yet efficient planning and employee training program and inculcating technology becomes crucial at this stage. This multifaceted strategy aims to align the organization’s internal operations with its service delivery. It’s crucial for the organization to view this as an ongoing process, regularly assessed for necessary adjustments.

Conveying dedication via outreach initiatives

What is the final step? Assurance. You must assure your stakeholders of your commitment. Employing thought leadership can be a powerful approach. Launch a campaign that reassures customers of your ongoing efforts to enhance their experience. Show that you are committed to innovation and staying at the forefront. Announce new initiatives.

For instance, if you have established a dedicated communication channel for customer feedback, make it known. If you have introduced technology to streamline banking, share the news. Keep in mind that not every customer faces poor service, so create content that underscores testimony of customer satisfaction all mean while assuring your determination to improve. Make use of your social media platforms to achieve this.

Transforming concerns into opportunities for growth

In conclusion, the adage that customers are always right emphasizes a fundamental truth. This doesn’t negate errors on their part; rather, it highlights their profound impact on your organization’s identity and success. Recognizing that customers have alternatives – be it switching to competitors, changing preferences, or even relocating – underscores the urgent need for businesses to steadfastly prioritize customer satisfaction. Avoid blaming them.

Instead, cultivate an environment of receptivity, where their concerns are acknowledged and embraced as the best approach. By doing so, businesses gain insights for improvement and foster trust and loyalty. In this light, investing in customer well-being becomes a strategic move with significant gains and minimal losses. Ultimately, what do you lose when prioritizing the contentment of those who fuel your organization’s vitality and growth?

>>>the writer is a Brands and Corporate communication strategist. He helps bridge an organization’s vision and mission with its stakeholders, all while harnessing the power of data, his accumulated experience, and an unwavering passion for fostering sustainability. He can be reached via [email protected] and or Twitter: @NanaBempong_
LinkedIn/Facebook: Nana Bempong Amankwah