Dream Focus International holds Dreamers Conference 2023


Dream Focus International has hosted its Dreamers Conference 2023 in Accra, which also saw the launch of three different books.

The Chief Encouragement Officer at Dream Focus International, Daniel Appiah, noted that the conference aims to empower the youth with financial and entrepreneurial education.

“Dreamers Conference 2023 is about financial empowerment, digital innovation and entrepreneurship, because at Dream Focus our aim is to empower generations by encouraging them to live their dreams; and in living your dream, you need to be empowered to take up entrepreneurial opportunities. So, the gathering is to empower every participant to live up to their expectations.”

The conference, themed ‘Motivus; financial empowerment, digital innovation and entrepreneurship’, forms part of an agenda that encourages more people to venture into business.

In his quest to support individuals with motivational messages and inspirational content to influence and incite its audience to strive for their aspirations, at the event Mr. Appiah also launched three books: namely ‘The 5Ds of talents’; ‘Side Check’; and ‘The Light in the Dark’.

“The 5Ds of talents basically talks about how to discover your talents, how to develop them, how to use them to deliver, and how to be disciplined with your talent. Some people don’t know their talent, others also have their talent but they are not using it. So, this book is going to energise you and give you deep thoughts about the talents that you have, so you will be able to live your dream. Every single person was born with a talent, so you need to identify that talent and nurture it,” he revealed.

“The Light in the Dark talks about life situations. Everyone goes through challenges, everyone goes through issues, but sometimes they are not able to find the light. So, basically, what I’m doing is trying to let people know that regardless of the situations they go through there is always an opportunity, and there is always a good part in every situation – there’s always a light, which we should look out for.”

Explaining the theme of the third book, Side Check, Mr. Appiah said: “It’s all about entrepreneurship – things you can do to earn an extra income. So, you might be a professional but there are still things you can do to bring you extra income”.

Speaking on how entrepreneurs can manage businesses and life in times of instability like crises, inflation, pandemics and recessions, the Chief Executive Officer of Crescendo Consult Limited, Doris Ahiati, stated that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) should embrace cost-cutting measures to support their growth.

“SMEs should invest in real assets, direct investment and alongside explore less costly options and alternatives with respect to what is in demand. They should also learn to prioritise and rationalise spending on what gives the best returns or reward.”

Madam Ahiati also urged entrepreneurs to invest in themselves by learning new skills and constantly keeping up to date with the latest business techniques; and most importantly, insure their investments.

The conference also featured esteemed speakers including the Chief Executive Officer of YOKS Investment Limited, Seth Yeboah Ocran, who shared his inspiring journey from being a bus conductor to becoming a successful business owner, highlighting the importance of partnership, integrity and networking.

Also, the Director of Innovation at the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (NEIP), David Antwi Ofori, encouraged Ghanaians to read widely.