Poetry Corner: Just Called To Say I Am Sorry 


Was it something I said?

I still don’t remember

Just don’t remember what I said

Exactly what I said

But I remember what I did


I left the city

Oh what a thing silly!

Since that day

Since the day it happened

I know I acted silly


Well I don’t know how it happened

It must have been something

Something hurting

Something that did not just happen


We hurled some words

Some words!

Some bad

Some worse

Some bad words to hurt us

Tear us


She said some silly things

They still ring in my head

I guess I must have lost my head

Lost my cool


It’s been a while since I’d left her

But I can’t go on this way

I’ll call her up

I know where to find her


I’ll swallow my pride

I’ll swallow all I had said

I’ll say my first hello

Since I’d left her


It’s been a while since she’s been without me

But she can’t go on without me

Hope she calls me up

She knows I’ve been looking her up


Let her swallow her pride

And the tens of tons of things she had said

Waiting for her first hello

Since her last hello


We still feel the hell

We feel we need to heal

Since we last lost our heaven