GCS holds hangout session for members


GCS Ghana Limited has held a hangout session to afford its community members opportunity to fraternise, have fun and look at the way forward for the community.

The company is a subsidiary of GCS Fibres, LLC – funded by the ASH Environmental DAO, a United States-registered Decentralised Autonomous Organisation.

Dubbed ‘Ash Token Community Hangout’, the euphoric event took place at the University of Professional Studies-Accra, and saw a coming together of the company’s fund-contributing members from the Central, Volta and Greater Accra Regions to participate and engage in fun activities; such as painting, flip and eat, virtual reality games, snooker and many more.

ASH Token’s mission is to be a funding vehicle to launch future green technology projects that can shift the paradigm of wealth creation and sustainable economic development funding.

In his opening remarks at the event, Stephen Zoroaster, Director for African Operations of GCS Fibres, noted that aside from creating jobs for ordinary Ghanaians, the company has contributed significantly toward industrialisation, increased tax-base for national economies, as well as saved energy cost for consumers, among others.

During a panel discussion involving experts in Decentralised Autonomous Organisation and crowdfunding, emphasis was laid on the need for community members to leverage the novelty of ASH Token, which allows them the rarest opportunity to directly benefit from the GCS Fibres breakthrough technology.

ASH Token is a crowdfunding platform with a global footprint that funds business initiatives which aim to eliminate pollution from the environment, thereby driving the adoption of cleaner energy sources while making the environment greener and cleaner for sustainable development. It has members in the United States, Europe and Asia, as well as some African countries including Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia and Kenya.

GCS Fibres, LLC is a US-based corporate entity possessing patented breakthrough technology that produces economically beneficial, marketable and high-quality non-toxic mineral fibre by repurposing coal ash from which six different primary raw materials are produced – which in turn can also be used for the manufacturing of textile fabrics, rubber/plastic materials, brake-pads, car-tyres and all sorts of automobile parts, paper and paper-products including tissue, carbon-fibre precursors, construction materials just to mention a few.

In other words, GCS Fibres eliminates pollution by converting toxic, environmentally hazardous coal ash into economically viable, non-hazardous everyday products; making the environment cleaner while creating thousands of direct jobs and many more thousands of indirect jobs for the people.