Education and Management with Nii Armah ADDY: 5Cs of business leadership

Nii Armah Addy is an Education and Management expert

The urge for business is mainly driven by profit motives, influence and the search for power. Among the reasons for doing business, profit motives pass all. The ability to make profit is dependent on many factors; notably leadership. The most successful businesses have been credited for their decisive leadership capabilities. Undoubtedly, the cardinal reason for business success is leadership that culminates in a formidable team.

Let’s put to rest the contention of “manager” and “leader” for the purpose of this article, and let’s focus on “leadership” which transcends “management”. My purpose here is to etch the leadership qualities required for business success.  Be it public or private sector, low growth or high growth, leadership other than management engages the discussion in all progressive circles.

Ghanaian businesses are yet to maintain their business leadership success and transcend it to the third, fourth and continuous generations. The truest test of Ghanaian business leadership will be when Ghanaian businesses begin to have progressive business succession augmented by exemplary leadership.

I will proceed to discuss the right leadership attributes that Ghanaian businesses can adopt such as:

  1. Courtesy  

Courtesy is a key requirement for business leadership success. Even though it has been said severally that the customer is the reason for existence of the business, many businesses take that for granted and tend to be bossy over the customer.

My reference to the customer is both internal and external. Generally customers are the “people”. Internal customers are the employees, while external customers are all those people outside the business but have links to existence of the business. Courtesy in a subtle way is difficult for many Ghanaian business leaders, particularly when they perceive their businesses are doing well and they require the recognition of all and sundry – to the extent they deserve courtesy without reciprocating it.

The levels at which many Ghanaian business leaders show courtesy is demonstrated by the plethora of customer complaints for poor service delivery. You can be sure that in such circumstances the internal customer was the first to complain. The dissatisfaction of internal customers is usually transferred to external customers, there by lowering the potential of business-gain.

The ability to show courtesy as business acumen is confirmed by attention to detail. This requires that all attention is given in the processes of the business practice – i.e. in relation to both internal and external customers. Good business processes ensure a good product that meets and exceeds customer expectation.

Courtesy as akin to attention should be the forte of Ghanaian business leaders who desire growth. A careful example can be illustrated by the owner/manager of a restaurant who serves customers during peak periods. Such courtesy carries with it every attention to detail.

The owner/manager makes sure that the nitty-gritty of business excellence is carried out in the business processes. The manager/owner’s presence is enough to keep employees on their toes, because there is demonstrable courtesy through leadership involvement and motivation. Courtesy also shows the courage to trust others – trust is important to business success.

  1. Correctness

Showing courtesy is correct conduct for business leadership. To say that the leadership of a business must behave right in business is a difficult expression to use. How can one say that a business leader is not behaving right? As a matter of fact, if the same behaviour has brought the business leader to an appreciable level among his business competitors, how can you recommend “so called” right behaviour?

Is it possible for a surgeon to conduct a surgery without the usual surgery outfit? I think it is possible, but it is not correct. What is correct is the use of a surgery uniform by the surgeon to do surgery. This analogy holds truth for business leadership. In as much as some things will be right in doing business, the right things must always be done.

Let me cite another analogy: is it possible for a pilot to fly a plane without the usual pilot uniform? I think it is possible, but that is not correct. Correctness is the conditioning of the mind which separates the ethics and practices of different professions.

Correctness is the manipulation of symbols. Symbols are articles of belief which recognise and command our minds for attention. Therefore, both the surgeon and pilot’s attention are drawn to the symbols of their uniform, thereby reminding them about the “call of duty” – a duty that requires correctness for optimum results.

In pursuance of business leadership, correctness is a necessary opportunity. You may take it to maximise your gain or you may ignore it and immediately feel nothing; but in the long run you may lose the business urge. The progressive business leader adheres to correctness rather than what will just work for the business temporarily.

  1. Comedy

Check it out! The best business leaders are those who display a high sense of comedy. Being comical (in a measured level) breaks the mould of traditional leadership stiffness. Pointedly, comedy is an intellectual exercise whereby one is able to make many people happy irrespective of their mood, culture and religious adherence.

Bringing comic skills to business leadership ensures maximum success. Have you wondered why the medicine seller in the “Nsawam trotro” is often able to sell all the stock carried into the “trotro”?  That medicine seller is able to touch on the emotions of passengers, hence they make a purchase decision. Three key elements accounts for the success of comedy:

  • Language – comedy is good when the language used is decorous. As a matter of fact, comedy as an intellectual exercise necessarily requires good language skill. In applying the art of comedy to business leadership, it means that our language for business must be decorous to reflect the intellectual requirement for successful business engagements.

It also means that the business leader must create a language of attention. This is referred to in marketing as a unique selling proposition (USP). Have you wondered why you give attention to the street seller who calls you Chief, Nii, Nana, Hon., etc.? The conscious use of words evokes attention. This works in the same manner with employees when they are seen as a team rather than hired hands. The same applies for employees to customers when employees see customers as the reason for their business rather than intruders.

  • Gestures – comedy is made better with the accompanying gestures. Our gestures are non-verbal communication which give clues to our motives. Our language should be as sincere as our gestures so as to enforce the tranquility of the comedy. Progressive business leaders have good gestures that enforce the conviction of their leadership.
  • Stories – the language and gestures fortify the story. When the language is decorous and gestures are pleasant, it enhances the story and makes for good comedy. The story is usually about the narrative of the business from where it was, where it is and where you want to take it. The progressive business leader must have good stories augmented by decent language and gestures.
  1. Compass

A well-planned business is one that has a vision. The vision is the compass of that business. That compass must be navigated through continuous education by leadership. The compass is a device which when well manipulated has the potential to perform at 360° proficiency.

The 360° point to the full destination of a business, and constructing it takes clarity and conciseness by the leader. Figuratively, constructing a 360° requires twisting the wrist – which is not comfortable, but with passion it is achieved.

The vision can be achieved through both internal and external stakeholders, but the onus lies on the leader to drive the process through thick and thin. The leader must first be clear about where the business is heading. The leader takes blame as much as he takes praise for the directional process of the business. This requires that the business plan must be carefully articulated so it does not become vague expressions from achievable targets.

  1. Care

Perhaps the greatest of leadership requirements for business success is care. Care is simply love. The leader must have enormous love for the people and the business. Love keeps the business leader going even in difficult situations. When we love what we do, we do it effortlessly.

By caring for the business, we ensure that we do everything possible for its health. Greatness can be achieved with love. The employees must love the business and wake up daily to the joy of it. The leader must work assiduously to win the love of employees by giving them love.

The courtesy, correctness, comedy and compass must all work in harmony through a conscientious and surmountable love to achieve the business growth through decisive leadership.


Though I have set out 5 leaderships steps to business greatness, it must be said that unlike management responsibilities which can be spelt out, leadership is more of an intuitive ability which can be attained through the desire and passion for excellence that must be engendered in all employees.

Whereas a management position is hierarchical, leadership abilities must cut across levels – so that irrespective of one’s position, the leadership abilities required for the business’s success will be possessed by all employees. Having said that, decisive leadership rests on the business leader. This is the challenge to indigenous Ghanaian businesses.