MPS, EPA educate and donate waste bins to school


As part of the World Environment Day Celebration, MPS collaborated with the Environmental Protection Agency to sensitise students at Sakumono Complex JHS on the responsible use of plastics and separation of waste.

In addition to that, they donated 12 waste bins as an effort to inculcate the habit of proper waste segregation and disposal among the younger generation.

“We have labelled the bins and they comprise organic, plastic and paper since these are the main streams of waste they generate in their schools, so that they can begin the waste segregation from source. Consequently, when the recycling companies come, they would not have to send the waste to their factories and do another sorting and segregation.

“We believe that our children are agents of change and that when they are championing something, it reaches further than what the elderly can do. So we are targeting the children,” Herbert Edem Kpodo, a Principal Programme Officer at the Greater Accra Section of EPA, explained in an interview with Eye on Port.