Take the viral kingdom & the will of God global


Most natural happenings parallel spiritual truth, and the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the nations recently was no exception. The recent crisis awakened many to the reality that occurrences in other parts of the world can affect your life wherever you are. In effect, it has forced many to think globally. Similarly, the kingdom and will of God have the globe as its scope. God wants you to discard your local vision and embrace His global vision.

Possess a Global Mentality

Matthew 6:9-10 KJV

After this manner, therefore, pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Jesus Christ handpicked men who had lived their lives in their immediate environs. They had predominantly confined their lives within their localities in Israel. When they asked Jesus to teach them to pray, he began by intimating, “Thy will be done on earth.” Perhaps they expected him to say: “Thy will be done in Israel.” Jesus Christ chose these ordinary men and installed a mentality in them that captures God’s global will, plan and purpose for the whole earth.

Christ planted a global vision in the minds of his disciples. If we obscure the mentality they possessed, we will never understand how they conquered their world with the message of the kingdom. No matter where you may be, the deposit of God in your heart is supposed to affect the whole earth.

The Burden of His Will

Jesus’ teaching on prayer focused on the accomplishment of the will of God on this present earth. He was not, in any way, referring to the New Heaven and New Earth at the end of this age. He envisaged that the will of God was supposed to sweep across the length and breadth of this earth. Thus, he gave his disciples the responsibility to partner with God through prayer until this vision (God’s will on earth) morphed into reality.

The Spirit of God is more viral than a virus. Many have not cooperated with Him; however, people are waking up to pray and partner with Him to enforce and accomplish God’s will on earth. God is raising people burdened with His will for the globe; these people wake up and go to bed with His will on their hearts. It is about time the selfish motives, prayers and actions give way to execute and establish God’s will on earth.

The Resurrection and Globalization of Kingdom Influence

The resurrection of Christ is the protocol that takes God’s will and kingdom global. It made it possible to do His will on earth. After the resurrection, Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:18-19 NKJV).” Whereas he taught his disciples to pray for the fulfilment of the will of God on earth, he discharged them to flood it with His will after the resurrection. This commission, coupled with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, was the activation that took the kingdom of God to the ends of the earth.

Go Viral with the Kingdom

The recent invasion of the Coronavirus on earth is mirroring the purpose of God for our time. A time is coming when people will be more conscious of the will of God on this earth. Just as your life changed drastically because of the pandemic, the Kingdom of God must have that same impact on you. The will of God is supposed to rearrange your life just as the pandemic altered your life. It is supposed to hold sway over your life such that you will only do what He wants, not what you desire. We are stepping into that vista where the will of God will become so prominent and pervasive on the earth that many will wake up to it.

God’s will seeks to capture the whole earth, and He needs you to be a bearer of His kingdom. Christ charged us to invade the nations as infectious agents of His kingdom. When you go to work, for instance, you are supposed to be an infectious agent of God. Your life’s purpose is to affect and infect people with the values of God’s kingdom. For the kingdom to spread, you must be on the go.

God’s will and kingdom are supposed to pervade the earth and get every nation’s attention. As we take up the responsibility to pray and go, nations will be altered and regulated by the will and kingdom of God. The kingdom of God manifests in a person or place when the will of God gets done as it is in heaven. Become a walking extension of the will of God on earth. Allow God the opportunity in your life to influence other people and places with His will and kingdom.

Think Kingdom, Take Dominion.

Rule and subdue the earth.