Global Business Development forum ends


The maiden edition of The Global Business Development Forum has been held in Dubai.

Over 16 CEO’s, award winners and nominees from  from various multinational and international companies and Embassies attended the event

The Forum, served  as a platform for the discussion of the guarantee of better modes of networking to boost business and brand image within bilateral spheres , business expansion locally and internationally , investment culture and practice ,interpersonal  and professional relations(life coaching)  within the work space and the overall boosting of revenue,

It was led by  Maha Zataari ,  well-known for her experience as a Workplace Culture, Employee Engagement, and Leadership Advisor.

The event had City Facilities Management ( Commercial and Professional Services) , Ridge Royal Hotel (Hotel and Hospitality) , Givers Industries (Alternative Medicine) , Felix Walters Agencies Limited ( Freight Forwarding) , M & C Group (Mining Consultancy) , Jad Consultancy (Ethiopia -Business Consultancy) , B5 Plus Limited (Steel and Iron Manufacturing) , Christ Is Lord Chapel / Herbal  ( Alternative Medicine) taking leadership awards under their respective categories after an informative session.