…as it launches Ghana Chapter
Yepafrica, a Dutch NGO working in Africa has expressed its commitment to empower the youth and address the issue of youth unemployment in the country with the launch of the Yepafrica Ghana chapter.
The launch which was held as part of a free 5-day empowerment & entrepreneurship training program for graduates and job seekers in Accra also saw the graduation of the first cohort of Youth empowerment & entrepreneurship training programme.
Yepafrica has been working in Africa for 15 years empowering the youth to bring entrepreneurial qualities in them. It operates empowerment and entrepreneurship learning centres in Gambia and Senegal. The Ghana chapter established is to expand its reach and impact, starting with the graduation of the first cohort.
Beneficiaries/participants are recruited through social media, invited to apply by filling a form, registered, undergo an interview session and make presentations before they qualify to join the Yepafrica training. The maiden training session in Ghana was held at the Lakeside Marina Park in Accra from Monday 29th May 2023 through to Friday 2nd June, 2023.
Addressing the closing ceremony, Chief Executive Officer, Zenfusion Consultancy, Munnira Sheikh who now doubles as the Chairperson for Yepafrica Ghana Foundation expressed her delight to welcome on board Yepafrica, an NGO which has been at the fore front of addressing unemployment challenges among the youth which is a cancer in Africa. “I am happy to be the Chairperson of Yepafrica Ghana chapter to reduce youth unemployment and illegal migration, empower the young generation to be the change and improve the quality of life of the next generation.
“A lot of people are getting educated but not getting jobs. Many policies are not in favour of the youth who have dreams to build something and to improve their lives and become an entrepreneur or find good quality jobs. We empower them to take responsibility of their lives by creating their own future. If there are no jobs you need to create them yourself.
Munnira Sheikh disclosed that although the Yepafrica training program is an intense session, it is quite exciting, engaging and covers two parts including: Training people for realizing their dreams and training people to act on their own behalf rather than on the behalf of others. “Be the change you want to see in this world”.
Yepafrica, she announced, has a plan to create about 5 learning centres around Ghana and will empower each community with one learning centre which will keep recruiting new trainees so the Group can have a built up of ‘Yeppers’ all around Ghana who can connect together and support their start-ups. Besides that, Yepafrica is planning their Headquarters for Africa in Accra. We are therefore inviting investors, sponsors and funding partners to support us to take the program to the next step.
In a short remark, Mr. Georgy Evers, Board Member/Trainer Yepafrica Foundation, Netherlands congratulated the participants for working intensely in the period. “The training has been successful and I am impressed about the various talents.
Yepafrica he reiterated is committed to realizing the first learning centre in Ghana this year.“This will require more support from sponsors as such we will work hard to get more funding.
Guest Speaker, Mr. Sherif Ghali, Chief Executive Officer, Ghana Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs (GCYE) described the Yepafrica training as a step in the right direction. “Here in Africa the educational curriculum is the challenge. We are not trained technically to take up the modern task of today therefore any attempt to empower and support the youth with entrepreneurship drive is appropriate.
He urged the youth to take advantage of Technology as the fastest way of realizing their dreams and assured that the Chamber will continue to support young people to achieve their objectives.
Most participants during the presentation session were optimistic the training has impacted positively on their lives as they are no more afraid to take up challenges in life and are now ready to act with an entrepreneurial spirit and as agents of change (Yeppers) to inspire the youth of today.