TrustAfrica launches Pan-African & Feminist Philanthropies Initiative in Addis Ababa


TrustAfrica and Urgent Action Fund-Africa, in partnership with the Coalition for Dialogue on Africa – CoDA will announce the official launch of the Pan-African and Feminist Philanthropies Initiative.

The launch has been scheduled for the 6th June 2023 at the Inter Luxury Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

In July 2022, several actors in the philanthropic sector convened in Naivasha, Kenya, to brainstorm and deliberate on ways to reimagine the transformational agenda for pan-African and Feminist Philanthropy.

This gathering nurtured an emerging collective of 50 leading pan- African and feminist activists committed to advancing the political vision, discourse and practice around pan-African and Feminist philanthropies grounded in solidarity, mutuality, and collective humanity embedded in African wisdom and agency.

The initiative is a deliberate aim to mobilise massive new resources for pan-African and feminist philanthropic work on the continent, which will be given in novel and transformative ways.

Philanthropy is a significant source of funding for the African continent’s development and transformation. One key goal is to strengthen the organic and formal ecosystems of pan-African and feminist philanthropies based on mutuality, self-determination, and agency, through shared infrastructure and mechanisms that support, connect, and strengthen local constituencies and movements.

In the first year, a pan-African and feminist endowment with a $25,000,000 end-of-year goal will be published with contributions from a diverse range of existing and new individuals and institutional funders. Our goal for the next five years is to raise $500,000,000 and one billion dollars in the next ten years.

TrustAfrica is a pan- African foundation established in 2006 that seeks to strengthen initiatives that address the most difficult challenges confronting the continent and is focused on three critical areas: Democracy and Governance, Equitable Development and Economic Justice, and African Philanthropy.

UAF-Africa is a feminist, pan-African, rapid response Fund committed to transforming power relations through resourcing African feminists and women’s human rights defenders and their formations as an act of solidarity.

UAF-Africa’s rapid response grant-making mechanism enables her to support unanticipated, time-sensitive, innovative, and unique initiatives that promote women’s agency in democratic governance, economic, environmental and climate justice, conflict transformation, and justice-oriented processes while protecting women’s integrity and rights.

The Coalition for Dialogue on Africa (CoDA) is a new initiative which has been established as a joint venture of the African Union Commission (AUC), the African Development Bank (AfDB), and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). It is an independent forum for free discussion among State and non-State actors.