The kingdom of God and the culture of His Spirit


The Kingdom of God has a culture, and the Holy Spirit is the superintendent of that culture. He is responsible for ensuring that the culture of heaven manifests wherever the will of God is respected. When you submit to the will of God, your lifestyle will be consistent with the culture of God’s Kingdom. If you do not align with the Holy Spirit, you will fail at living out the Kingdom culture. Thus, to manifest the culture of God’s Kingdom, we must acquaint ourselves with the culture of the Spirit.

The power point for change is a cultural change. If we do not manifest the culture of God’s Kingdom, a societal change will be far-flung despite the number of churches planted daily. Assuming every Ghanaian becomes born again, societal change is not guaranteed until there is a corresponding change in personal culture. If you want to take charge of your territory as a believer, the subject of concern should be the influence of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Cultured by the Word

Genesis 1:1-3 KJV

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Most people and spaces find themselves confronted with formlessness, emptiness and darkness, and I believe we can take a cue from the Holy Spirit in addressing such challenges. Amid the darkness and turmoil, God spoke light, and the Spirit responded by doing God’s Word, and there was light. I would like to submit to you, therefore, that the culture of the Holy Spirit is the Word of God.

Injustice in your sphere of influence can be an example of darkness overshadowing your space. When there is a surge of God’s Word concerning that situation, you can opt for gloom or have fearless confidence in the Word of God by acting on it. The scene of the creation story in Genesis depicts four perceptible challenges – formlessness, emptiness, darkness and an overwhelming deluge – against the Word of God. What are the odds of one against four? However, God’s decree is always the overwhelming majority amid many troubles. The Word of God is stronger than the age-old problems you might have inherited.

The Word of God must become your culture. It means you must live in the light of God’s Word. The Word of God is supernumerary light for darkness on the scene. Hence, choose to go with His Word. Every good student of the Bible is convinced that the Word of God is not up for debate.

Confidence in God’s Integrity

You need to understand the will of God to have fearless confidence in His Word because He regulates everything by His will revealed in His Word. Irrespective of the minutest details of your problems, everything will work towards achieving the will of God for your life if you choose to cooperate with God. You might be drenched in pain and sorrow because you lost your job. Nevertheless, if you cooperate with Him, those circumstances will yield your most bountiful profit.

The Word of God is His integrity. Many people struggle with the Word of God because they have had disappointing experiences with people who were unfaithful with their words. God’s Word is not the only message in town, and many have dealt with these unreliable words such that they carry the baggage of failed promises in their approach to the Word of God. Maybe you lost everything because you depended on the word of a man. Sometimes the debris of such an experience can cause you to waver when God tells you, “Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world.” I commend you to the light of His Word despite your dour past experiences. Your ordination to dominate the earth can only come to realisation with the Word of God. It is the sure-fire way to prevail over formlessness, emptiness and darkness in your space of influence.

Think Kingdom, Take Dominion.

Rule and subdue the earth.