Poetry Corner: What Shall It Profit?


What shall it profit a man

To gain whole bars of gold

And lose his crystal clear H2O

What shall it?


What shall it profit a generation

To gain a pocketful of cash

Here and now

And lose hope in a pending future

Here and now

Because a future hope is dashed

Here and now

What shall it?


What shall it profit a young soul

To gain from a muddy, deadly pit

All the ore

And lose all the chance there is

To train a brain to gain

What shall it?


What shall it profit a land

To lose whole plots of gold

And gain scores of incurable sores

What shall it?


What shall it profit a farm

To lose the golden cocoa pods

And gain a desolated, deserted plantation

What shall it?


What shall it profit a sacred grove

To lose all the sacred trees

And gain a muddy, marshy earth

What shall it?


What shall it profit a forest

To lose its thickness

And gain a sparsely dotted thicket

What shall it?


What shall it profit a nation

To lose reliable times and seasons

And gain erratic seasonal patterns

What shall it?


What shall it profit a people

To lose national, natural resources

And grope for the mercy of international assistance

And gain the pity of international pittance

What shall it?


What shall it profit a Chieftain

To gain the least of the sum

And lose the largest of the sum

To profit a Chinatown

What shall it?


What shall it profit a government

To lose firm hold on enforcement

To grant unfettered freedom

To lose the fresh greenery

To gain the browning lakes

And give a freehold to absolute wantoness

As they gather them and sell

In destructive brazen-ness

What shall it
