Aseyegold Designs holds graduation ceremony for students


A cosy and intimate atmosphere welcomed the students who had finished a three-month attachment programme with Aseyegold Designs in Accra. The mini graduation ceremony was friendly and celebratory, reflecting the close-knit community that had established between the students and Aseyegold Designs

The event was held in Aseyegold Designs’ wonderfully decorated shop, at Adabraka in Accra which had witnessed the creative energy aspiring students. Mrs. Christine Aseye Darkey, Aseyegold Designs’ creative founder, beaming with delight as she addressed the student and their families.

Mrs. Darkey said, her eyes filled with delight and success. “I am genuinely impressed by your incredible responsiveness and dedication during your three months with Aseyegold Designs.” Your enthusiasm and dedication to your studies and job have been incredibly encouraging.”

Mrs. Darkey’s comments struck a chord in the hearts of the pupils, who listened intently. Her words of encouragement served as a compass, pointing them in the direction of a future where their creativity and dedication would bloom.

The students’ works were showcased in a mini exhibition within the shop space. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as attendees marveled at the tangible fruits of the students’ labour. Each design, a testament to the growth and improvement achieved during their attachment program, elicited nods of approval and smiles of pride.

The proud guardians of the students expressed their delight at the visible progress their wards had made. The mini graduation ceremony became a platform not just for recognizing completion but for celebrating the transformation of these aspiring designers into skilled artisans.

As certificates were presented to each graduate, the room filled with applause and cheers. It wasn’t just the end of a program; it was the beginning of a journey into the wider world of fashion, armed with the skills and insights gained at Aseyegold Designs.

Students and their families experienced moments of joy in the aftermath of the event, reminiscing on the friendships created and the lessons learnt. A sense of accomplishment pervaded the air, a monument to Aseyegold Designs’ success in cultivating the next generation of outstanding designers.

The mini graduation ceremony was small in scope, but its impact was profound in the hearts and minds of all who attended.