Leading with purpose


…a tailored approach to leading your team

I recently had the opportunity to attend a leadership training organised by the company I work for, and believe you me, I had a lot I wished I could share but decided to put it into writing instead because that’s what I do best.

Leadership is a privilege

When you’re in a leadership role, your influence may affect the trajectories of someone’s entire career and often, their lives.

Many leaders seem to forget that leading others, more than anything else, should be held in reverence. Being a leader means that you have been placed in a position to serve others. Unfortunately, too many times, I have seen leaders duck and cover, throw their team under the bus, throw their positional weight around, and instead of leading from a place of service, lead from a place of ego when things get rough.

One of the most distinctive traits of great leaders is their ability to inspire, motivate, challenge and support their people to succeed and grow. As a leader, create a culture where your people are inspired to create great ideas, where the dreamers are encouraged to dream big dreams, and to lift the organisation to a higher level of performance continually.

Ultimately, the onus is on the leadership to promote a high-trust culture; to identify and fix the source of a team’s disintegration. Creating a culture of trust and encouraging creativity and innovation are important aspects of effective leadership. Leaders who are able to inspire and motivate their team members to succeed and grow are more likely to achieve higher levels of performance and success.

However, when leaders are not effective in their roles, it can have negative consequences for the organisation, the team, and the leaders themselves. Decreased morale and motivation, increased turnover, damage to the leaders’ reputation, decreased trust and confidence, and missed opportunities are just some of the potential consequences of poor leadership.

But what if leadership is the problem?

Hmm, great question! This means the leaders must get it right with themselves first before they can get it right with their team.

When a leader doesn’t get it right, it can have a negative impact on the organisation, the team, and the leader’s own reputation. Some potential consequences of a leader not getting it right could include:

  1. Decreased morale and motivation among team members: If a leader is not effective in their role, team members may become demotivated and disengaged, leading to decreased productivity and performance.
  2. Increased turnover: If team members are not happy with the leadership or direction of the organisation, they may choose to leave, leading to higher turnover rates.
  3. Damage to the leader’s reputation: If a leader consistently makes poor decisions or fails to deliver results, their reputation may suffer – making it difficult for them to lead effectively in the future.
  4. Decreased trust and confidence: If team members don’t trust their leader to make good decisions, they may be less likely to follow their direction or take risks in their work.
  5. Missed opportunities: If a leader consistently fails to make good decisions or take advantage of opportunities, the organisation may miss out on potential growth or success.

When a leader doesn’t get it right, it can have a wide range of negative consequences for the organisation, the team, and the leaders themselves. It’s important for leaders to be self-aware and open to feedback so that they can learn from their mistakes and improve their leadership skills over time.

It is also important for all leaders to speak the same language and not to show the other team members or employees their disagreements. As leaders, working together can create a more dynamic and effective leadership team that can achieve greater success and achieve organisational goals. Therefore, it’s essential for leaders to be self-aware, open to feedback, and continuously learning and improving their leadership skills. Working together with other leaders can also be beneficial in creating a more dynamic and effective leadership team.

Overall, leading with purpose and a servant mentality can make all the difference in the success of an organisation and the well-being of its team members.

The author is a risk assessment and cost reduction strategist, accountant, relationship coach, and writer.

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