Take this and give me that
It is because you asked to be free
To be liberated from centuries of slavery
It is my tit for your tat
Give me all there is
And take this little piece
It is because I granted you just enough space
Freed you from my tight grips
For half a breathing space
It is because you rejected to breathe under my direct control
It is because I opted to rule via remote control
But still in the control mode
Je suis General De Gaule
If you need to take it from your own
You can have it as a loan
It is because I did not give you up
It is because I still own your land
I did not free you from my hand
Je suis Monsieur Mitterrand
Mon frere, never again
Je suis Rèvolutionnaires Burkinabe
It is because my testicles ache
From aches of colonial trampling
From cracks from Francophone thumping
Nothing in Faso lasts forever
Sankara et al
It’s time for Wagner
Je suis Field Marshall Putin Vladimir
And the ripples just began
In France
They shifted the pension age
To a new age
Those protesting French feet
My foot
I care less to give a hoot
That’s the game of boot for boot
Je suis President Macron
Hey guys!
Mes amis!
The free lunch is over
Keep working until your ankles
And your knuckles
Knock over
The fool just brightened up
Straightened up
Wised up
At the long long last
And it’s game over