Wheel of Life Series with Lady Sam: Uplift yourself

Wheel of Life Series with Lady Sam: Have faith – your ice-cream van is coming

 I am a strong believer of what you believe can be your reality. In other words, if you believe that you can, then you can, and equally if you believe that you can’t, then you can’t.

I was always told that there is nothing you cannot do if you set your mind to it. We mostly set the pattern of our thoughts.

Our thoughts shape our behaviours, so, the question is, what do we think about, where is our focus?

Our mindset determines how we see the world, how do we take advantage of what is available to us? A positive mind makes for a positive experience.

There is no way you can think negatively and expect a positive experience, this is where the word visualisation comes into play. Visualisation means holding a mental image of something in your mind. What are the positive images we keep in our mind? Therefore, it is key to surround ourselves with positive friends, read uplifting books, watch things that motivate us, if we want to be uplifted. I once heard a quote that said, ‘the mind is a powerful force, you can use it to enslave you, or you can use it to empower you’, that is why we must be intentional about what we surround ourselves with.

Find below a few pointers on what you can do to keep yourself uplifted,

·         Write down positive affirmations and put them in strategic places in your room so that you can see them and feel encouraged by them.

·         Write down all the positive things that happened to you before you go to bed, that will leave you going to sleep in a happier state.

·         Be grateful for what you have, remember that many people would wish to be in your shoes.

·         Talk and act as if you already have the things you desire (not in a delusional way) act as if you have it, you deserve it.

·         Find ways to develop yourself and your craft, this gives you a sense of fulfilment.


You are mostly the source of your own happiness and upliftment, as it can be determined by the decisions you make.