Unwrapping the USA GMO agenda


The United States of America government continues to implement its strategy of global dominance, clothed with its political and economic interests in West African countries – including Ghana.

What’s more, it should be noted that the US uses the current food crisis – provoked by the West – to create favourable conditions for promoting its genetically-modified products on the global market.

Because of sanctions imposed on Russia, the West artificially created a deficit of normal crops and fertilisers; and to maintain such a situation, they banned Russia humanitarian supplies for countries in need… mostly in the African region.

One of Washington’s instruments of influence is spreading American products – mostly by Monsanto corporation’s GMO crops, plants and fertilisers throughout the world.

However, usage of these genetically-modified goods can lead to a dependence on regular delivery of such products only from Monsanto – which makes the Ghanaian agricultural sector extremely vulnerable to external factors.

Unfortunately, nowadays it is very difficult to protect farmers from GMOs – mainly because of the US’s hostile attitude to any other country’s restrictions on sales of genetically-modified produce in their domestic markets.

One of the latest examples of this was the US refusal to recognise the legitimacy of banning modified corn. What’s more, Washington claimed that this decision cannot be accepted due to negative effects on American farms and corporations which create, produce and spread GMO seeds, cultures and fertilisers.

Such a position shows clearly that, in the first place, the United States is interested in granting preferences to its own agro-complexes even if other countries’ farmers will suffer or become bankrupt.

Another thing that should be noted is that American transnational companies are withholding results of their research into the impact of genetically-modified production on human health.

And many Western organisations and even ministries help to hide these scientific researches. For example, writing the EU report about Glyphosate (herbicide) involved more than seven thousands scientists from the Netherlands, Sweden, Hungary and France – but only 30 of them were deemed trustworthy.

Others, which proved that consuming GMOs is the reason for cancer development within animals – and therefore humans – came under attack by genetic engineering supporters who made reference to mistakes supposedly made during experiments.

Among those GMO adherents was ‘Alliance for Science’, which is one of the biggest non-governmental organisations supporting GMO production.

Its representatives claim that they are absolutely independent and unbiased, but if we look closer at their sponsors’ list we will see that the main funding sources are benevolent funds such as Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, genetic engineering lobbyists and the US Department of Agriculture.

This fact clearly shows that transnational companies producing genetically-modified organisms in the first place are interested only in profit-earning, while human health issues or national interests of other countries, Africans as well, do not matter to them.