Save the planet with innovation


This year on April 22nd we will celebrate Earth Day all over the world. Despite growing evidence and acknowledgment regarding the importance of protecting the fragile and unique planet we live on, it appears that we are only making matters worse. The environmental crises are piling up: the climate crisis, the crisis of biological diversity and the extinction of species; the plastic pollution that reaches every corner of the earth; the growing water shortage; the deterioration of food security for many in the world; the continuous deforestation, intensifying desertification processes; and with them, the increase in zoonotic diseases and more are all getting worse.

Right now, it looks like the human race has lost all hope because the pace of environmental crises and their consequences are increasing. But losing hope is not an option; and just as we are the ones who cause the environmental-climatic crises, we are the ones who can and must not only stop them but also restore nature, the environment and the climate to live a better, healthier and happier life.

Many have written about how this can be done, and indeed there is a wide variety of areas in which we can make an important change. However, in this article I would like to concentrate on the experience of the State of Israel in the fields of climate and environmental innovation and offer several practical, applicable and relatively inexpensive solutions that can help deal with the environmental and climate crises of our time. Due to its location in the desert with a scarcity of natural resources and water, Israel is a living laboratory for developing solutions of this type.

I will begin with water. In the month of March we celebrated International Water Day, and I know that the world water crisis is growing rapidly. The Israeli experience shows we must accompany water conservation with a broad communication and informational campaign that encourages the public to save water. It is also necessary to purify as much wastewater as possible and use it in agriculture. Israel purifies 94% of wastewater, of which close to 90% is used for agriculture. Moreover, water-loss in urban systems of Israel is minimal, standing at only a few percent. The above practices are attributable to groundbreaking technologies developed in Israel and the knowledge accumulated over the years, which can be applied in large parts of the world.

The second field is agriculture. The Israeli experience is to move as much as possible to irrigation-based agriculture – preferably one that is efficient, like drip-irrigation which results in higher yields and significant water savings. The development of drought-resistant crops, the use of brackish water in agriculture, the development of crops with a higher yield, biological pesticides, the use of satellites and precision agriculture – all contribute to increasing food security and reducing damage to natural resources.

Animal protein substitutes are another vital area that increases food security and reduces the pressure on natural systems that are currently vastly overexploited to grow livestock for human consumption. This field shows great promise for humanity. In an era when the climate crisis damages crops, the protein substitutes produced in laboratories can reduce the pressure on natural systems and allow their restoration. In addition, increasing the use of plant-based proteins on the one hand, and reducing the consumption of animal products on the other hand, also helps to deal with the serious environmental consequences that eminate from animal food consumption.

Few people know this, but from the very beginning of founding the State of Israel 75 years ago, its first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, saw the field of solar energy as one of the areas that Israel should lead. Today, more than 200 companies and start-ups in Israel are engaged in renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy storage – all of which are necessary for successfully dealing with the climate crisis.

Despite its young age and relatively small area, Israel has accumulated vast experience in planting forests in semi-arid regions and preserving them in dry and extreme conditions. This know-how and experience are priceless for a world where forests that are so necessary to deal with the climate crisis are dying from heat, drought and diseases, and are burning.

The entrepreneurial community in Israel, whether it belongs to civil society or business, is becoming increasingly involved in solving the environmental crisis. Over 1,300 companies and start-ups are active in the field of climate innovation. Among them I can mention dozens of companies engaged in the field of carbon capture while others are in the fields of satellites and remote sensing. Still others use artificial intelligence to pre-locate forest areas prone to illegal logging even before a tree is burned or an ax is swung. Meanwhile, others deal with weather forecasting using information from social networks, satellites, climate models and more. These are only some of the fields in which Israel has gained experience that can help the world.

In Ghana, the state of Israel is committed to collaborating with the government of Ghana and the private sector to share our innovative climate solutions. Our MASHAV – Israel’s Agency for International Development and Cooperation – and our Economic and Trade Mission are constantly leading the way to replicate some of the Israeli climate smart solutions in Ghana. One of our flagship projects in this area is the Israeli Green Innovation Competition (IGIC), which has been running concurrently since 2019.

In collaboration with the Ghana Garden and Flower Movement, the IGIC supports and promotes young entrepreneurs who develop innovative solutions in solving some of the agricultural and environmental challenges in Ghana. So far, we are very proud of the amazing work and impact of all our past winners – Prince Pius Nutsugah from Coologi Ghana; Jefferey Appiagyei of SAYeTECH; Maxwell Kojo Xonu from EbaPreneur Solutions Ghana; and Mary Aboagye from aiScarecrow Technologies.

When we celebrate Earth Day again, we must remember goal number 17 in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals – the SDGs – which is about cooperation. Only through cooperation, sharing best practices, knowledge, experience and more can we overcome the significant challenges at our doorstep. Israel is ready and wants to cooperate, since the future of all of us is a common one that we share. Only if we know how to overcome the crises the earth is facing, together, can we ensure that this future will be good for everyone.

The author is Ambassador of Israel to Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone