Dare to dream


What’s your narrative on success?  Probably that will determine if life is worth living in your universe. To be alive is a privilege and to see a day is a blessing, but is that just enough? Does this make everything significant and pleasant to us? Dreams and visions give us hope for the future and enable us see the possibility of what can be attained in a lifetime. But many people never accomplish their dreams because they confuse dreams to be goal and don’t push it or put these ideas into action.

What is success? According to Remez Sasson, “success is not only about having more money and higher social status. Success also manifests in being less stressed, less worried, more peaceful and happier”. Now, because we define success as highly materialistic, a lot of people die or expire feeling worthless and unsuccessful, the truth is that life can be worth living if we inculcate more personal (individual) success into it because it’s just clear how gratified and enjoyable your life will be or can be.

Conquer the strong man if you have to dare your dreams. This is the inner critic that portrays darkness. It covers our world with so much darkness and the remnants are agony and bitterness. The inner voice that tells us how useless we are or how we can’t make it instil fear in us and many more. As you can see, we only give what we have. We shower this negative energy and transfer them to others, creating a toxic environment which is not only harmful for us, but everyone around us. In the end, family and friends cut us off. Sincerely, people who would have been part of our success story or even channel us to our destination in life just can’t stand us or stay with us. To deal with your inner critic, there is a need to acknowledge its presence to protect you, which means you can probably tame it. This is a killer and terrible for those who had negative experiences during childhood, which includes damaging opinions and views about those who really matters to them. It can be parents, teachers, caretakers, doctors or even spiritual leaders. All these negative sentiment and expressions result in low self-esteem, which might not make one excel or perform extremely well. The of power in talking ourselves over again every morning of who we really want to be helps. But remember to engage the experts, counsellors, psychologists. Life coach, career coach, personality development coach and many more. oh, but don’t forget spiritual cleansing! All these can be of assistance and improve self-awareness and gear you toward success.

Have you looked or considered other ways to be or feel successful? Success is not only based on financial status and occupation. Standing out is a unique quality that can make the inner man happy.  Standing out professionally or personally is key a character that, when mastered, makes you unique, unforgettable and comes with so much gratitude. You gain recognition, attention and feel honoured. There are different types of success; family success, physical success, career success, economic success, community success and many more, which you can employ to feel alive and happy. Now you can see that finding yourself or oneself is endless. Self-discovery is hard and comes with distractions and obstacles, finding yourself is not just about strengths and weaknesses, there are a lot of habits that can help you discover yourself; but how can you find yourself when you are imprisoned in fear and can’t see into the clarity of the future.

If living our dreams means success to us and that truly makes us happy, what is happiness and why should we pursue it? Happiness is that feeling that can be expressed in different ways. Perhaps, that feeling that makes us feel alive pursuing happiness can make us self-centred; but, at least, connecting to what makes your life meaningful makes you put smiles on the faces of others too. At the end, success and happiness are connected; but the truth is, happiness is your choice, happiness is important for everyone, it reduces stress and this we all know is good for the health, makes every relationship better, and makes us productive. So, when prioritising our goals, happiness should be the top-most.

What does it mean to be a dreamer? A dreamer sticks to his or her own visions and tries to live a worry-free life, and perhaps, is a realist. It’s important to embrace counselling and advice as a dreamer. When it comes to personal development and goal attainment, no one knows everything. Counselling can be guidance from a more professional angle, but you can’t ignore advice because most are based on experience of decades on what might work. If you ignore both, they come back to you later as punishment. When you push for success, avoid engaging those with negative energy, make friends from afar in order to know them better, be convinced spiritually and physically before any engagement. I tell you, pessimistic and toxic people hold the key to shut down your dreams. People around you will determine your future, hence, waste no time on those who won’t add value to your life and those who won’t allow you to impart in their life or show them the light or path.

What is discipline in the perspective of dreams and visions? We need discipline in our progressive path to success, self-discipline is difficult and might mean putting away so many things, and also setting specific goals and deadlines. Discipline is also the ability to control your attention and emotion in the presence of distractions, and this helps you stay focused and enables you to stick to difficult tasks. Discipline allows you to overcome obstacles, discomfort and push yourself into new heights.

In creating our own world of discipline, we should create our priorities. Focus on what really matters to us and what we can control. When we choose our goal, spiritually, mentally and physically, we need to be sound. Oh yes! Without this, you can’t be alive to celebrate success. Sublet and outlet other necessities to reserve enough energy to work on our dreams, find little ways to celebrate your wins (count your blessing), and don’t forget to set boundaries and block people who don’t believe in you. Remember that most times, it’s good to keep your goals private to avoid distraction.

Before you dare to dream of anything called success, always start with the short term, which is not beyond reach. This helps you see progress from the start-off and gives you positive drive to reach out for long-term goals. This will also ignite your soul to be happy to pursue the long-term goals. Just a flashback on my experience when I had a special child – my son could not talk, walk, sit or stand; I was jobless for seven years, but I set a short-term goal, which didn’t require much finance and seemed the only measurable and feasible way out for me then, and that was make my son look well taken care of. I was always applauded and that kept me alive and happy.

How do dreams, visions and goals affect our lives? Words are spells that’s why they are called spellings. We can cast negative spells on ourselves each day and belittle our future (success). Not digging into that, but we need to always consider our thought and imaginations. Just be positive about everything. What we think is who we are. What we believe about ourselves affects our world or universe. It affects our decisions, job offers, and everything we go for or settle for in life.

When you dare to dream, redirect your focus and change your habits. Some few reasons why we can’t be successful.

We don’t understand the value of time.

We don’t figure to do things that are around or connected to our goals.

Self-acknowledge or accept limitations and can’t see anything beyond that.


Surrounding ourselves with little minds with negative energy, which is already mentioned.

Self-pity and the feeling that people should or must help us, but who cares if you don’t wake up and soar.

It’s just amazing that on our journey to success, we just wish to see positive people who will encourage us – people who have already achieved their dreams. But we might meet the contrary – like the toxic people already mentioned and many more of these; quitters who take off your armour of resilient attitude; haters who can’t do anything and don’t want anyone to do it; the living corpse who are people without dream, vision and goals; people who just feel it’s a waste of time to risk anything and feel great achievers are greedy and selfish; time wasters who always want to engage you in useless and unprofitable stuff; fakers who come as if they celebrate your wins but they are in deep pain and just want to kill themselves over your success. Our time on earth might be limited but at least we have today to make it better or to get things right and improve to avoid any painful flashback during old age.

Success is just part of life expedition. Real success is trying to accomplish your purpose and making a better version of yourself through others to make a difference in the lives of others. But on these journeys, don’t be carried away and don’t forget your home, friends, family and surrounding. The truth is that later when all is said and done, you will fall back to these. The greatest of all is to learn constantly to live in peace and love with everybody.

The writer can be reached on 0244130372 or Email; [email protected]