Rotary District Training, Assembly and Conference


Rotary International District 9102 welcomes Rotarians in the district to its annual District Training, Assembly and Conference (DTAC) 2023, underway at the Accra International Conference Centre.

The conference whirling under the Rotary International theme “Imagine Rotary” will include training, workshops, and networking opportunities for participants.

This annual event is set aside by Rotary International for each Rotary District of the world to discuss the health of the various clubs in the district, and to outline major leadership and training events for their members.

Among the many activities that will take place during the conference includes training and breakout sessions to give rotary information and new ideas for club officers, directors, and key committee chairs. There will be a presentation of the state of the district, a review of the new RI President’s theme and goals for the coming Rotary year by the incoming District Governor. Subsequently, District goals and objectives are also presented, and plans are developed for their implementation.

Consistent with programs outlines during the DTAC, are activities and events involving training district team and club officers; District Training and Assembly for all Rotarians; District Governors Cocktail; The Conference itself; Host/Home Hospitality; Rotary Foundation Lunch; District Governor’s Awards and Gala

It is a tradition for the District Governor to welcome all conference participants to the Assembly. Therefore, the District Governor, Victor Yaw Asante, will host an Akwaaba Cocktail after the District Assembly opening plenary session. There will also be a Foundation Lunch to take place during the lunch break of the conference where the achievement and challenges of the Rotary Foundation are highlighted, and donors recognized and awarded.

One major activity to be hosted by Rotary clubs in Ghana is the Home/Host Hospitality event, where conference participants will be treated to an evening of food, drinks, and good entertainment, usually held on the second day of the conference.

The District Governor’s Award and Gala ends the DTAC. It is always an evening of dinner, music, dance and affords the District Governor the opportunity to recognize and award deserving Rotarians and partners.

Organization of the District Training, Assembly and Conference event (DTAC) under the current dispensation, rotated among the countries that constitute the district. The district 9102 comprises of Benin, Ghana, Niger, and Togo.

It is important to note however, that Ghana is hosting the last DTAC for District 9102; Since Ghana has been granted a status of a District and is being separated from the other countries that forms part of District 9102.

It will be recalled that Ghana has recently been granted a dispensation to become a District in Rotary Zone 22. This therefore means, Rotary International has given Ghana the permission to create of  new dynamic district. Ghana is now under district 9103. This latest development came because of Ghana’s effort to charter new clubs, increase membership. develop leaders and increase our portfolio of humanitarian service projects. Rotarians in Ghana have also contributed immensely to Rotary initiatives and in the process, chalked many successes worldwide, through the coordination of global programs and these initiatives.

With Ghana in the new district, it is expected that the new District Governor together with his able Assistant Governors, Club Presidents and all rotary leaders work to strengthen clubs, promote membership diversity and to place District 9103 on the map of Rotary International.

The District Governor, Victor Yaw Asante has indicated that the 2023 DTAC will be exciting, educating, entertaining and a platform for business networking for all Rotarians; thus, urges all club and their members to register to participate in the conference.