AYGC 2023 to be held in Mankessim on Aug 12


The 15th AYGC, 2023 will be held at the Manna Heights Hotel – Mankessim, Ghana from the 12th – 19th August, 2023 under the theme, “Advancing Youth Inclusive Governance, Peace & Security in Africa: The Digital Innovation Factor”.  Inspired by the trend in youth-led digital innovations to improve economic and social lives in Africa, the theme highlights the value and potential of digital technologies without losing sight of issues around inclusiveness, security and consciousness of digital threats.

Lessons from the 14th AYGC, Lusaka 2022 stressed the need to accelerate Africa’s transformation through a youth centered sustainable and innovation-led approach.

Special Side Event – Youth Homecoming Summit

Building on the foundation’s 10+4 years of mobilizing a ‘connected African and Diaspora youth’, the special side event is planned to be held under the theme, “Connecting Youth to Build One African Identity”. The platform will seek to, amongst others, develop emerging perspectives and innovative methods, including digitization, for youth engagement in intra, cross-border and continental discussions on:

  1. Shaping our collective capacity for restorative justice, institutional discrimination, and healing
  2. Bridging the knowledge gap (inter-generational and rebuilding efforts);
  3. Exploring how youth will be able to lower the barriers and bond to create the desired #OneIdentity of Africa’s youth

Introducing… AYGC 2023 President and Vice President

An important component of the AYGC model is leadership grooming through peer to peer coaching and the cascade of mentoring. It is in this light that we congratulate and introduce this year’s President and Vice President.

Official Launch

Ahead of the main session in August, there will be a launch in Accra, Ghana which will be streamed online.

The Convenors

AYGC 2023 will be hosted under the joint auspices of YBF and AU ECOSOCC. The multi-lingua Convergence (with simultaneous interpretation in English-French-Portuguese) will host youth from about 30 African countries with delegates placed in one of the 9-standing commits to work under expert guidance.