The Policy Forum with Emmanuel OWUSU: How to achieve efficient public policy implementation


Efficient public policy implementation is critical for Ghana’s development agenda. Public policy aims to address social, economic and political issues by establishing laws, regulations, and guidelines that enable the government to achieve specific goals. While public policy is essential, it is equally important to ensure its efficient implementation to achieve the desired outcomes. This article presents some strategies that can be adopted to achieve efficient public policy implementation in Ghana.

To begin with, funding is a critical factor in implementing public policies. Public policies mostly have its accompanying cost, which requires the need for allocation of resources to finance them. The government can achieve this by creating a budget that reflects their priorities and ensure that funds are distributed to the relevant sectors. The budget should be realistic and considerate of the various challenges facing the country. Over the years, governments – past and present – have presented budgets that do not prioritise the key focus of the government.

It is important to note that public officials need to be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement public policies effectively. Therefore, there should be regular capacity-building initiatives that provide public officials with the needed training to manage projects, analyse policies, and oversee financial management. Capacity-building initiatives can be in the form of training programmes, workshops and mentorship programmes.

In the context of policy strategy sustainability, monitoring and evaluation are essential for ensuring that public policies achieve their desired outcomes. The government should establish monitoring and evaluation systems that enable the tracking of progress, identification of bottlenecks, and the making of necessary adjustments. The government should also prioritise transparency and accountability by making the findings of the monitoring and evaluation systems public. It has been 6 years since implementing many of the notable governments policies – Free Senior High School, One District One Factory, etc. However, there has not been any published official policy review report made public that seeks to give account of how the policy has fared in its implementation.

Let me also mention that public-private partnerships (PPP) can improve the efficiency of public policy implementation by leveraging the resources and expertise of the private sector. Therefore, the current and future government should foster public-private partnerships in areas such as infrastructure development, healthcare and education. These partnerships can bring new technologies, skills and resources, making policy implementation more efficient and effective.

The use of technology can improve the efficiency of public policy implementation by enabling faster data collection, analysis and dissemination. So, the government should invest in technological innovation that can enhance the delivery of public services and improve the overall efficiency of public policy implementation. Technology can also help to ensure transparency and accountability in the implementation of public policies.

Finally, the government must demonstrate a strong commitment to implementing policies effectively, and policy-makers should be held accountable for their actions. Political will can be demonstrated through the creation of clear policy goals, the allocation of resources to support policy implementation, and the establishment of monitoring and evaluation systems that ensure that policies are achieving their desired outcomes.

In conclusion, efficient public policy implementation is critical to Ghana’s development. The government must prioritise adequate funding, capacity-building, monitoring and evaluation, public-private partnerships, technological innovation, and political will. These measures will improve the efficiency of public policy implementation, foster economic growth, and improve the well-being of Ghanaians. By adopting these measures, Ghana can achieve its development goals and become a prosperous nation.

The writer is a Policy Analyst & Executive Director, Movement for Responsible & Accountable Governance (MoRAG)

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