MINDSET with Gambrah Sampeney Kwabena Adjei: Data bank


The United States of America is currently considering banning Tik Tok App from being used in their country with the assertion that spyware could be used through that app to snoop on the activities of its citizens and, to a larger extent, become a threat to their national security data bank.

As I read this book, I couldn’t but appreciate the simplicity with which the author had woven his stories on how vulnerable we all are on the Internet and security to our data bank. It is an awesome insight in to how the so-called Internet scammers go about their dealings.

“…The arrival of the Internet presented him with endless possibilities.

“He sat at his desk, flipped on his computer and waited for the screen to come to life.

“He went online, activated his VPN (virtual private network) to blow past security walls and passworded his way into the dark web where RAFE was always waiting.

“As an employee of the state, Ban has long ago hacked his way into the data networks of Florida’s government.

“Using his customised spyware called MAGGOTZ, he had created his own data sleuth – a troll he christened RAFE, who roamed the systems and cloud with total anonymity.

“Because RAFE was not a criminal, was not stealing or holding data for ransom but rather was only nosing around for esoteric information, his chances of being discovered were almost zero.”

RAFE could, for example, be deployed in this way:

“…I see. Did you check out his car?

Yes. Sir, it’s on a video.

Mind emailing it to me?”

His honour gave him a temporary address, one of many he used and discarded, and half an hour later he was looking at two photos – one, a rear shot of a white Buick sedan with a Louisiana license plate. The second, from the same camera with Jeff Dunlap in the frame.

Bannick sent an email back to Ozment saying thanks, and attached a useless brochure describing the mission and duties of the judges and officers of Florida’s Twenty Second Judicial District.

When Ozment opened and downloaded it, MAGGOTZ entered through the back door and pelican point’s network was immediately infected.

Not that Bannick would ever need to scoop, but he suddenly had access to the resort’s guest lists, financial records, personnel files, tonnes of credit card and banking data. And not just pelican point. It was part of a small chain of twenty boutique resorts and RAFE now had, even more, to explore if he ever wanted to.

This excerpt was taken from a book titled: Judges List by John Grisham, between pages of 169 and 176.