Exim Bank hosts business delegation from Malta


Management of the Ghana Export-Import Bank (GEXIM) have hosted a business delegation from Malta. Rosemary Beryl Archer – Deputy Chief Executive Officer responsible for Banking, on behalf of Chief Executive Officer Lawrence Agyinsam received the delegation.

The Business delegation from Malta comprised representatives of Malta’s Economic Development Agency, Malta Enterprise and some Maltese Businesses, and were hosted at the Bank’s headquarters at Africa Trade House in Accra.

Antoinette Cefai, responsible for Outreach and Internationalisation at the Business Development and Growth Unit of Malta Enterprise, led the delegation.

Receiving the delegation, Ms. Archer highlighted the Bank’s mandate to serve as a key engine in the development of Ghana’s export trade, facilitate cross border-trade and make Ghana a pillar in regional and continental trade – in addition to facilitating the transformation of Ghana’s economy into an export one.

“As a Development and Policy Bank, we are supporting the government of Ghana’s quest for a feasible and sustainable export-led economy. Over the years, we have financially supported several Ghanaian businesses in various capacities, as well as developing trade between Ghanaian and foreign businesses. We have assisted some Ghanaian businesses to make overseas investments and eliminated critical market failures in the Ghanaian economy to make Ghana competitive in the global marketplace,” she added.

On her part, Ms. Cefai indicated that Malta is a stable democracy that is very welcoming to an innovative mind-set, with an open business-centric commercial community that stands tall as a European Union member-state with a proven record of economic success.

She further expressed their appreciation to the Bank’s executive management for hosting them and discussing the team’s avenues of possible collaboration between Malta Enterprise, GEXIM, clients of GEXIM and other Ghanaian businesses to develop trade between the two countries.

Other members of the Maltese Delegation included Christopher Busuttil Delbridge, Managing Director of Evolve; Keith Vassallo and Solaman El Khazmi, Directors of Associated Equipment; and Scott Francis, Chief Technology Officer-TrustSTamp.

The GEXIM team hosting the Delegation included Head of the Advisory Department, Frank Obeng; Senior Manager at the Corporate Affairs Department, Emmanuel Essilfie-Conduah; and Assistant Manager-Corporate Affairs and International Cooperation, Jonathan Christopher Koney.